Robopip AE from scratch


I found a very interesting article from Robopips that show some basic steps to create your own EA. However Im able to find only 1 articleand some other related but not in sequence, is there any way to find the full tutorial or all the article related by dates, in thsi article alwasy mentioned that next week will update more, but never found the next article since they are very old (2015)

I can find some other related articles but not in order, is there a way to find all this sequence and toturials in order? Thanks.

Hmmm. :thinking: Maybe we can ask @RoboPip and hope for a response? :crossed_fingers: I guess I could also help you look for relevant stuff if you could share the article you’re referring to. :blush:

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that would be nice, but we cant put links on a post or comments, here are some title:

Creating a Simple Outline for a Basic Forex EA

How to Create a Simple Forex EA Using the MetaEditor Wizard

But I cant manage to find them in a correct order

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Oh yeah. :open_mouth: The Trust levels. :frowning: Thanks for the titles then! :smiley: I’ll see if I can find anything to help. :smiley: Still hoping Robopip responds. HAHAHA :sweat_smile:

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Wooooow Nice, yea Im hopping it replys too hahahahah, Im willing to follow this series of tutorial seems very interesting, thanks for your help!