ROI Upgrade!

OK, Hmm…

I have losing trades, and I have winning trades.

I have more (or larger) winning trades than I do losing trades.

I am going to post todays results a little different to help with understanding.

If I tell you how I do it, then you will not find your own way that fits you.

All this is, is to open you mind to the possibilities.

“I am here to free your mind” ~Morphious (The Matrix)

I can tell, your mind is open, free, an on it’s way to greater possibilities.

Blessed is your future.

Close positions gaining $11.01.

  • 8.81
  • 5.12
    +[U] 7.32[/U]


Divide by 12 (days) for an average of $28.79/day.

35.7% ROI to date.

Most people do not understand the power of having your mind open.

No technicals, No fundamentals have the power of an open mind.

My trade style is thinking way, way, out side the box.

Blessed be you trades.

I think that people confine themselves to the box they think they are in. If they think it is made of steel they stay, if they think it is paper, they break through. Anyways just a thought. Think about track and field. Up to a certain point people couldn’t pass records when they were in the olympics. Now you have high school students beating them. sure you could say about steriods, but I think there is more psychological factors to it. Have a good one! Later eh!

I like it when the market moves.

Close positions gaining $134.96.


Divide by 13 (days) for an average of $37.88/day.

49.2% ROI to date.

Missed by .8% :wink:

Hmm… I expected better.

I believe there is no way to correctly predict the market.

Close positions gaining $3.77. Let’s all go shopping, LOL. :stuck_out_tongue:


Divide by 14 (days) for an average of $35.41/day.

49.5% ROI to date.

Missed by .5% getting closer :wink:

Ok, that’s what I like.

Close positions gaining $156.48.


Divide by 15 (days) for an average of $43.48/day.

65.2% ROI to date.

Flat weeks suck, man!:rolleyes:

I was looking forward to more than 100% this 30 day time frame.

I am so thinking about throwing this one away and starting over.

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Close positions gaining $15.87.


Divide by 16 (days) for an average of $41.76/day.

66.8% ROI to date.

Up, down, up, down. :rolleyes:

ROI stand for what

Return on Investment

Pipgod, how many pips do you shoot for on each trade? Just like an average?

What ever the market gives me. (sounds strange I know)

Some times a few, some times many. :wink:

Numbers for Tuesday.

Close positions gaining $29.13.


Divide by 17 (days) for an average of $41.01/day.

69.7% ROI to date.

Up, down, up, down. :rolleyes:

Oh man now that I’m just a head I’m vulnerable, if the kid and the feet post underneath me I’ll turn ugly. :stuck_out_tongue: look at what they turned u into pipgod.:smiley:
have a good eh! take it easy.

That’s an awesome avatar. :cool:

Yes they have a habit of ganging up on me. :rolleyes:


Close positions gaining $98.58.


Divide by 18 (days) for an average of $44.21/day.

79.5% ROI to date.

Nice work PipGod . I’m really looking forward to seeing the 30 day results.

You guys are killing me !


Look what pennypip will do to you head. :smiley:

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

…I’m really looking forward to seeing the 30 day results…

If the market would move more, I would have something to post. :rolleyes:

The first week and a half the market was a flat one. :cool: