Rubber Band Trade

Below chart (which is from 18 September 2014) has all conditions met for the rubber band strategy. Would you sell here?

The conditions are met:

  • trade in the bearish main trend
  • Price Action is above sma50 (we are now looking for sell opportunities)
  • timeframe: weekly
  • sma50 line is flat
  • sell at r/s level:
    entry first trade at 0.01 lot on 1.10326 (support/resistance level (high of June 2014)).
    entry second trade at 0.02 lot on 1.12587 (high of September)

I was unable to make it work for me, despite my best efforts and intentions. By the silence of the other posters I am guessing they arrived at the same conclusion: Forex is glorified gambling.

A lot of things look good with hindsight bias. But I think the idea of finding an ā€œedgeā€ on an Internet trading forum (or anywhere for that matter) is laughable at best. A few are destined to make it big by virtue of survivorship bias and raw luck.

This market attracts gamblers, poors, and get-rich-quick dreamers in numbers unseen everywhere else in the world. Yet for all their effort, there is no evidence - anywhere - that profit can be consistently extracted from the Forex market. Other than for a few well-known examples who can be chalked up to statistical deviation (Jones, Seykota, Livermore, Couling, etc.).

Meanwhile, billions of investors throughout the last century have made consistent returns by investing in solid companies or index funds. Forex appeals to those who are too greedy, impatient, or compulsive to pursue actual investing, or so arrogant as to believe that they can outsmart the most efficient beast that is the market.

Just my opinion on the matter, and the reason Iā€™ve been absent for a while. My time as a ā€œtraderā€ taught me a lot of lessons, so I wouldnā€™t discount it. But none of them were about how to make money trading. Good luck, and donā€™t waste too much time or cash on what amounts to a pipe dream.

seems a good one to trade on buddy best of luck and this strategy is still working for me and I am trying it but still on demo so keep trying to new things and if youā€™ve got some suggestions about good entry points than kindly share thanks :slight_smile:

Dude it didnā€™t work for you sad but this strategy still has potential and is still working for me and I am still trying this strategy on demo and am quite successfull with it.

I thought the same thing for the 3 months it worked for me. At the end of the day, price follows a random walk model. All strategies are equally (in)valid. Good luck.

You are absolutely correct. In the end the market will do what ever it wants to do and we canā€™t do anything about it but just hoping that it would our own way and yes every strategy will be valid and invalid but we just have to find that one which is more valid than invalid anyway best of luck to you buddy for your future :slight_smile: hope you find success.

From your post I see that the reason you failed is because of the market, which is addressed mainly to gamblers poors etc, and not of course due to your own inadequacy.

Of course it is laughable even to begin thinking that you may find an edge in a forum or wherever else. Because if someone has an edge, the last thing heā€™ll do is share. You need to find YOUR own edge, if you are capable that is and not expecting from somebody to save you.

As for the statistical deviation, I hate to brake it down for you but the succesfull traders are about 30 % of the active traders (serious traders). Do a little research and you will come up with the numbers. But if you failed to get even that right, how could you ever had the aspiration to succed in this market ?

You can have all the motivational speeches you want. You can claim that hard work will get you far. But it doesnā€™t change the fact that price movement is for all intents and purposes completely random, barring news releases which anybody but Wall Street is too slow to get in on. How can you find an edge over randomness, when outcomes are 50/50?

Iā€™m sure there is a multi-million dollar grant sitting at a University somewhere for you to continue your research if you can refute the random walk hypothesis. Lots of people would be interested in those results. So why waste your time trading?

A roulette wheel at the casino is the best analogy to the market. Consider the 0 and/or 00 as the spread which create a negative expectation. Each spin is independent of the previous, and over the long run most people will lose to the house edge. Every once in a blue moon somebody will make it big. Of course, thereā€™s no such thing as a skilled roulette player. Itā€™s all luck.

You do realize that 30% statistic is over [I]a single quarter[/I], right? Do you understand what a statistically significant sample size is? Clearly you donā€™t understand even elementary statistics. Too bad the data doesnā€™t exist for what chunk of that 30% were profitable into the next quarter, the quarter after that, or a whole year. Hell, even 3 years, which is a blink of an eye financially speaking. Of course the brokers wonā€™t publish that, because the number is probably much less than 1%.

That data does not exist for the simple reason that it could be plotted on a bell curve. The shape and distributions of which would exactly resemble the profitability of a group of roulette players.

Feel free to prove me wrong with [I]actual[/I] relevant, cited statistics. Until said point, your post just sounds like the ramblings of a compulsive gambler looking for self-justification. Or maybe youā€™re a broker-dealer. Who cares.

Thanks for the many replies (this thanks goes to Jadd, Bloodbath and Aniskazi). What do you think of my strategy here: 301 Moved Permanently


Iā€™m new to the system so apologies if this has been asked before , but will this work on the 4hr TF?


Yup this has been asked before by me :stuck_out_tongue: but no body replied so I tried it on my own and yes it worked on the h4 chart as well buddy but donā€™t go to less TFS than that.

I am glad everyone is having a good time with this. haha. The Rubber Band Trade does work . It is not for traders who like to trade every day. The most difficult part of the actual trade is when to get in. The other difficult part and probably more important then the actual trade is having the patience to wait for the next RB Trade.
Good Luck

I am glad I started this thread.

Hey do you still trade with this strategy? And if you do are you successful?

Whenever I trade the RB Trade it is a good trade. My draw down varies , sometimes it is big, but it always heads back to the 50 line. I traded some other strategies in the past few months and lost some money. That pretty much convinced me the RB Trade is the best strategy , for me anyway.
I only trade the daily charts with it.
And the best trades are when the 50 line is angled in the direction of the trade. Try to get in at Support or Resistance levels.
You can also enter trades on smaller TFs using whatever indicator you wish. I have entered daily chart trades on the 15m chart. Trying to go right into profit and stay there .
Target the 50 line or just short of it.

This is what I am talking about . Here is a perfect RB Trade . Did anyone trade this?
AUDNZD Daily Chart

Enter at very clear support level . The 50 line was angled up when price hit that support level.
120+ pips to the line in 3 candles. Price continued through the line for 50 more pips.


I did, it worked about very nicely!!

I think I may have missed a few entries due the fact I thought you had to wait for the 50 SMA to flatten out and then go up?

I now know better !!

Sorry couldnt reply earlier looks llike a.simple strategy but monthly timeframe.seems too much for me anyway best of luck =)

Good to hear that your still using this strategy and yes Iā€™m having difficulties in the entry part but still trying but do far this strategy is going good for me had pair on the weekly chart and won like 2000pips so quite happy with this strategy so far =) and we would love to see you posting some charts as well :slight_smile:

Hey I wanted to ask you that what do you usually put you stop loss or how much room do you give your trade to work with?

NZD/JPYā€¦What do you guys think? A Rubber Band Trade?