Sales trading v Sales broker

Hi there,

I am a recent University graduate and am wishing to enter a career in FX sales. However, in searching the internet for jobs there are a variety of different ‘sales trading’ and ‘sales broker’ roles, the job description of the two seems similar and through research I haven’t found many conclusive differences between the two. So I was wondering if there was anyone on this forum who could clear this up for me if at all possible please?

Many thanks.

Anything with the word sales is not going to be a real prop trading position, your basically going to be a phone jockey salesman either way.

Real traders despise sales guys in a bad way, well unless you want to be on the receiving end of some traders’ opinion, its best to stay away. Else if if you have some trading knowledge and can convince people then, you may go ahead and apply to as many brokerages as you can.