School of Pipsology Progression (GRADUATED šŸŽ“)

Great minds indeed we shall see :laughing:

Iā€™ve been very lucky in my dive of research to stumble upon incredible wisdom. Regarding what my post was more over about came from a dive into forex factory. This is what I stumbled upon and the whole discussion. Post #12 was what caught my eye.

Trading forex profitable is impossible! | Forex Factory

Itā€™s small moments like this. The single voice of wisdom in a sea of noise. These are the diamonds in the rough I hope to continue finding throughout my journey.

Cheers man thanks!

Thanks for sharing that post by Chris. :exploding_head: It is a diamond in the rough that confirms the direction Iā€™m going in. He describes exactly the way I want to be able to trade.

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  • October 15 2023

One hundred and four days ago I stumbled upon Forex through BabyPips. I had absolutely no market experience. I had never seen a chart. I had never heard of any sort of analysis.

Iā€™ve only been alive for twenty-one years. Honestly cannot say Iā€™ve really taken after anything in life until now. Spent most of my time just lackadaisically moving through the motions. But something really clicked with Forex. Before understanding anything, I could feel it. I just felt it.

Here we are, one hundred and four days later, and this path Iā€™ve set myself upon seems insurmountable at times.

But just like at the beginning, I feel it. Like a horror movie I find myself pulled to keep watching; peering through the cracks of my fingers waiting for the bars upon the screen to unfold.

There is no stopping now. Like a young childā€™s wax paper boat set on the stormy waves of the curbside Iā€™ve begun to weather the waves of concepts and fundamentals placed before myself with no end of this streetside in sight.

In the words of BabyPips, I am a noob.

But now, a noob with a goal.

This course has not provided me with a map to profitability. It provided me with the necessary tools to make that map.

The Beginning.

And what a beginning it was.

I look forward to developing my working strategies and plunge myself into the liquidity of the markets.

Also, to the friends I make and people I meet along the way.

Thank you all for the support, truly.

This course has enlightened me far beyond just trading.

With the School of Pipsology behind me, here I go.

So, cheers to success :beers: :beers:

Iā€™ll see you at the top.


Welcome to the world of forex trading, noob! :rofl:

You really earned that green hat icon on your profile pic. Congratulations! I admire how hard you worked to complete the course while doing the hard work as a journeyman. Great job. You helped me to stay motivated.

Youā€™re lucky that you found Forex and it clicked with you at this stage in your life. Many people never find that special something that clicks for them until itā€™s too late.

Iā€™m grateful to be a noob going on this trading journey with another noob like you who will use the tools you acquired to earn financial freedom.

ā€œIf you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.ā€


Iā€™m looking forward to seeing how far we will go.


Thank you!

Your support has been invaluable. Itā€™s a long road but I have no doubt weā€™ll reach our goals!

Having other noobs on this adventure is paramount to the success we strive for. Through all stages weā€™ll keep climbing higher.

Never forget :grin:


  • The BabyPips noobs preparing to take on the markets


I have quite the number of plans in progress. For the finish of this thread, Iā€™ll be spending some time showing and talking about some of the details for whatā€™s next.

I plan to create a new thread to track my progress through a demo account.

It would be difficult to create strategies and methods with zero market experience. So, Iā€™ll be diving in headfirst and begin to throw what I got at the market. I plan on making as many stupid mistakes as I can to learn as I go and rough out the edges of what works and what does not.

Iā€™ll also be running a couple forms of journals. One will be here on Babypips. This will contain mostly just bullet points and ideas and thoughts with screenshots of trades. This form will allow me to connect with more experienced traders and keep my progress visible for fellow noobs!

The next form will be a physical journal that will contain mostly just my thoughts, feelings, and experience through the trades. Keeping track of my emotions will require the ability to review and correct whenever necessary.

The third and last will be a statistical journal. This is being running through Google Spreadsheet. This one is difficult. I have spent some serious time gathering inspiration and creating a rough draft of what it will look like and how it will function.

Iā€™ll be posting a PDF of this so please throw me any improvement ideas or questions.

Almost all of the statistical journal is automated. It will just require manual input in the gray bars of each trade to enter in information.

And that is about what I have so far.

Very excited to continue work on this journey.

Thank you!

Statistical Trading Journal - Sheet5.pdf (51.8 KB)


Wow! Your thorough preparations are impressive.

It has been an inspiration seeing your progress in this thread.

Iā€™m excited to see the next chapter in your trading journey.



@RedEyeRishMan Congratulations!!!

You never know, you two may one day start a two-man trading company. Why not?

IldƔnach Trading, Inc.


IldƔnach Capital, Inc.

IldƔnach Capital, LLC

That would be so cool!


Thank you!

Through reading your journal and posts Iā€™ve derived insight and inspirations. Youā€™ve been more of a help than you can imagine!

Becoming incorporated has been a goal of mine for a while :eyes:

We shall see where this weird universe takes all of us!


Congrats man!

You made it pass the first race. And I can see you already started the second before the first ended.

Keep going bro.

Cheers to success!:clinking_glasses: