Hey Scratch
Couple of things. When I first started to put charts up on the thread they tended to come out quite blurry. Then one of the guys told me about a site called tinypics.com.
It’s a site that you can upload any pics / screenshots you have and then they give a code to put into your post . It’s all totally free and seemed to work a bit better for me than loading the pics straight from my pc to babypips. Worth a shot, nothing to lose.
Second thing is, I was wondering what your story was. ( I mean that in the nicest possible way ) I.ve never met anyone else in Glasgow who has even talked about FX before unless they were getting ready to go to Benidorm on their holidays. So I was just wondering how yuou got into it, how long etc etc.
Me personally I found it by mistake. I used to do a lot of car boot sales, and also tried my hand at selling stuff on ebay. I found the alibaba web-site while trying to find a Chinese based seller of MP3 players, and when someone gave my a price, I enetered “Currency Exchange Rates” into my search engine and that is how I found Forex.
I would say that was about 2 years ago, and previous to that, I didn’t know this whole thing existed.
I read through some of the sites at the time, opened a demo account and blew it out of the water in no time. Opened another demo and this time it took me a bit longer to trash it. After that I gave up on the idea for a good while, going back to trying to sell s**t on ebay.
Then at the start of 2011 my older brother started buying shares. So I bought some books, read a little, bought some RBS shares.
But I knew within a couple of days that shares would bore the life out of me. I needed something that moved a bit quicker, and could hold my attention. Re-enter Forex !!
So I started to look at it again, and was then fortunate enough to find Babypips, and hence, School of Pipsology. This was the first time I realised that there WAS any kind of analysis involved. Mind you, didn’t study anywhere near enough before opening my live account, still haven’t really.
BUt then that’s a thing that always makes me smile aswell. You read so many people talking in this game about the importance of finding a method that works for YOU as an individual, then they go on to tell everyone about the importance of opening a demo account. And in a way I understand WHY they say that, obviously.
But I’ve NEVER been the type to learn by reading. I need to learn by making my own mistakes. That’s MY individual way of doing it. You could argue that it’s an expensive way of doing it, maybe yes, but then my original deposit in my live account was only $400, which isn’t a bank breaker if it goes tits up.
And anyway, I was once $23,000 down on a demo trade, held it for over a week before it eventually returned a profit. But what was learned from that?
So this is now turning into a long ramble for what was originally a short question. Talk later.