Secret News Weapon

i wanted to start this threat for those users that are active members of this service. Its becoming a pretty hot commodity in forex trading, as a creditable forex tool. So, first off, I’d like to ask, who is using it? Then later we can get into the trigger specifics.

As its a secret I don’t think many of us know about it. :smiley:

Well, its not really so much a secret, as it is a clever name. I found it at Apparantly its a auto-mouse clicker tool that is designed to execute your trades much faster. The owner is Felix, who according to some circles is a scam artist. Which personally, I do not believe, but you know, rumors spreads.

SNW is a tool from ForexBastards site (Secret Forex Society). I’m a member there and listen to the chat site as traders use it. The tool takes your trading platform and pre-loads your buy and sell orders to have them executed automaticly upon a news announcement. It is very effective in getting you filled before the spike happens after the announcement. SO effective that I personally can’t see how much longer a retail broker (market maker), bucket shop or what ever you want to call them, will allow hundreds or thousands of traders from stipping THEIR pockets before stripping yours !

All I know is that Felix has false claims for his profits.

I was in his room for 5 months June-October and every month we ended in -100 or more pips now miraculously the pip count has changed to +500 and so on and so forth.

His pip count is per lot so they will say enter 2 lots long on GBP/USD when it is +20 pips they take profits and say +40 pips so their actual profits should be cut in half. It is like me saying I made 1 pip on 100 lots therefore I made 100 pips. completely ridiculous.

Then of course there are the trades that they never call in the room but Rob (Felix’s partner the guy that calls the trades) takes the trades himself. At the end of the month they count those trades as profit. Rob takes trades without calling them and then when it comes time to tally the trades they use Robs account statement so all the other trades Rob took are counted as profitable.

On Felix’s news trade profits on average range between -30 to +30 so even if 90% of the guys get -30 because of whipshaws Felix say week i got +30. Everytime he says he makes more pisp than anybody in the room and thats what goes to the pip tally.

One mroe thing Rob always announces stop losses but when it gets hit and turns around he will say “I am still in” and when the trade goes in profit h coutns that as a gain. EVen though 90% of the traders got stoped out all that matters is what Rob made.

It is a big time scam take it from a guy that use to pay them.

I had a friend join this month and he has 3 other people in there around the clock recording every single call made. At the moment Felix is +528 but my friends records are -14. It is all a big lie and he is going to be in court very soon I know people that have already contacted the FBI with detailed records, diaries and recordings of what is said in the room.

There is so many lies around there they say Rob has 10 year experience and then they say 20 years experience. They cant get their stories straight.

The best ones of all are the times when Rob says to go long on a report like NFP because his ‘contacts’ that he pays $60,000 a week to say it will be negative and Felix calls out a lon. This is in the same room the two leaders of the room are taking opposite positions.

It is a complete lie and if Rob really does pay people for insider information he is going to jail.

I have heard many reports like those from groovenator about Felix and Rob’s results.

I never joined so I have no first hand experience.

What is telling is that there used to be a forum on last year (October time) that had tons of people giving detailed reports and reviews just like those from groovenator. Surprise, surprise, the forum is no longer there.

Thks for sharing dude…

At least i’ve got different ideas about him…


No problem guys, I found a new room today apparently the guy that runs it says if we don’t make 200 pips (counted fairly unlike Felix) he will give me a full refund.

I think it is 200 pips per month or your money back I hung out in the room today (it is open for free this month) he made about 40 pips. So far so good I will keep you guys updated if you are at all interested in call rooms.

Groovenator - I took it upon myself to inquire about this pip-counting, and especially how the results for Rob’s kingforexsignal service are displayed. This is what I got back as an answer:

Q. How do you calculate profits?
A. Because his exits for each lot are different, there is no other way to report these pips accurately. Suggest any other way to report the pips, and I�ll prove to you that it�s flawed…

This is the only way to do it, if you want accurate performance. And what I mean accurate performance. If you know that you put 1 standard lot per trade, and you followed every single trade to the exact pip, you could multiply $10 by $1,000=$10,000, minus commissions if applicable, etc.

If you have a better way to report them…let me know… Yes the current way could almost double his wins, but it doubles his losses too…always remember that :slight_smile:

First of all what about the magic pip change? when he realized that -100 -200 pips meant no business it changed to -5 and +200.

What about the fact that I know people in there actually recording the trades and they do not add up?

What about the fact that the calls made are not the ones that are added up its Robs trades that are added up?

What about the fact that everybody gets stopped out except for Rob?

What about the fact that Rob and Felix take opposite positions on the same pair at the exact same time?

What about the fact that Felix always seems to make +50 pips when everybody else makes -10 to +20. Amazingly the +50 is recorded.

I have an idea instead of posting 1200 pips as if that is the true number why doesn’t he make a note… (Actual results should be cut in half because we count our pips twice…)

It does not add up he puts 1200 pips to make his product look better.

Here is proof that he is dishonest

Go to his website Forex, Forex Trading, Free Forex Trading System | Free Forex Trading Alert | Free Forex Trading Signal and go to the reviwes section. Go to the signal reviwes or education and click on one of his sites.

Forex, Forex Trading, Free Forex Trading System | Free Forex Trading Alert | Free Forex Trading Signal

:: King Forex Signals

Give it a rating of 1 star and say you didn’t like the site you think Felix is a scam because of the reasons listed above. Wait one days take a look and the review will not be there.

It is funny how positive reviews get posted but negative ones don’t.

Also checkout the reviews last time I looked there was about two 5 star reviews, six 4 star reviews and five 3 star reviews. Amazingly overall that adds up to 5 stars so he can be at the top of the list.

He is dishonest.

I emailed him once and asked why he didn’t post negative reviews for his site up. He said he didn’t ever receive any negative reviews… selective sight

Mmmm…that is some very interesting analysis :slight_smile: I understand your position. You wouldn’t happen to be an ex-member who just didn’t make the kind of profits promised by Felix, would ya be? :slight_smile: Because I do know of a couple, actually, the NFP report a few weeks back, made something like 80,000 thousand dollars. Oanda, inevitably closed their account. Now I know that in some respect, Felix does take care of his subscribers…how much of it is fabricated…well…marketers are marketers.

well when I was a member everybody was losing that is what I am saying Felix officially put the records at -200 but now changed it to +500.

Did he go back in time?

That is a complete fabrication and like I said post a negative review and see if he put it up!

I know that those months between June-october were really bad for him and his forexbastards crew. That Rob guy wasn’t doing to well either. But it is true, his SNW has been so effective that Oanda has been shutting down people’s accounts because of it.

Here is some help

They charge $249 for the service per month but if you say no thanks you get another email 2/3 days later offering it for $149 per month.


LOL :slight_smile: really? I thought you got the 150 deal if you signed up for the LIVE trade calls.

Anyone get the new version to work on their computer yet? Would authorize me today for some strange reason.

hey groovenator, whats this site that you found where he guarantees 200 pips?

No one can guarantee 200 pips or 100 pips is what i will say. In the Forex their is no guarantee as the markets are highly liquid and what is Profits for you in the morning can easily turn to loss in the evenings.