"Security" at U.S. airports

Welcome to Janet Napolitano International Airport.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Before you board your plane,
be sure to visit the TSA Security Screening location,
where our Registered Sex Offenders are waiting to “serve” you.

This is from Examiner.com:

"If you don’t want to pass through an airport scanner that allows security agents to see an image of your naked body or to undergo the alternative, a thorough manual search, you may have to find another way to travel this holiday season.

"The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is warning that any would-be commercial airline passenger who enters an airport checkpoint and then refuses to undergo the method of inspection designated by TSA will not be allowed to fly and also will not be permitted to simply leave the airport.

“That person will have to remain on the premises to be questioned by the TSA and possibly by local law enforcement. Anyone refusing faces fines up to $11,000 and possible arrest.”

For the rest of the story:

Who will be this generations Rosa Parks as the TSA threatens fines for flyers - National Finance Examiner | Examiner.com

What about it, President Obama:

If the Obama family were to fly on a commercial airliner, and go through airport “security” — like the rest of us —
would your daughters, Sasha and Malia, opt for the NAKED VIDEO SCAN or the FULL BREAST AND VAGINA PAT-DOWN?

Would you post this comment if your family had been over Lockerbie (spelling?) Scotland on the ill fated TWA flight?

The short answer to your question is “yes”.

Are you resorting to the argument that [B]The End Justifies the Means[/B]?

I think you really don’t want to go there.

Ill fated… does anyone really talk that way? I thought it was only TV reporters. ‘At the end of the day’ maybe phrases that that will become ill fated and fade from use.

Yup… Public strip search is now here.

World is going to be fully crazy:eek:

Tammy Banovac strips at airport security in Oklahoma | Video

I don’t know if I should be shocked that she stripped, offended that they still pat her down, or turned on cause she stripped.

Yeah, I’m sick that way.

I’m flying this weekend. I’m now excited!

I took the pat down… Wow, that was way more intense than I thought it would be. I could tell the guy doing it didn’t sign up for that.

… gestapo airports is the way to go. …

And, sending millions of tons of state-of-the-art military hardware to the mujahideens fighting gadaffi… on what battlefield will they be used next? :slight_smile:

just a thought…

Well we did arm the Taliban so they could fight the Russians back in the 1980s didn’t we? and now look who’s fighting the Taliban…

Personally I think we should just nuke the whole middle east and TAKE their oil and then we’ll all have free gas! Use neutron bombs so the oil doesn’t get radioactive.

I sympathise with the victims of that sort of terrorism but airport security is nothing other than theatre. I’ll give you three examples:

Example 1) I fly very frequently. About 4 years ago I was disgnosed with late onset Type I diabetes, which means I have inject with insulin. Worse still, the insulin has to be carried as hand luggage, as it cant be tranported in cargo because of the low temperatures.

I have a photocopied letter from my doctor, and a photocopied letter from my consulatant that I regularly show various airline staff to justify why I’m boarding their planes with a bag filled with syringes filled with colourless liquids. Either of those letters could be faked in seconds (in fact I think the letter from my hospital consultant is a fake as I lost the original). Noone ever quetions me, noone ever tests the liquid, noone seams remotely concerned !

So at the time members of the public and airline staff including pilots are being searched, I’m often waved stright through security with a potenially lethal weapon. I’m appalled and shocked that this happens, but it frequently does !

My second example is even more ridiculous. About 3 years ago I was in Bangkok airport with two business associates, one of whom had purchased a samari sword, and a taser gun during his stay in Thialand. The sword was hung over in shoulder in clear view of security staff, and the taser was in his hand luggage.

He goes to check in, and he’s given a list of articles that are not permitted on the flight, and asked if he’s carrying anything on the list. Nowhere on the list does it mention taser guns or swords, so he states that he’s carrying nothing on the list, and the attendent hands him a boarding card.

The second guy walks to the desk, and notices that the list contains scissors. As he has a pair of nail scissors in his hand luggage he declares this to the flight attendant. These scissors have a blunt blade with a rounded edge about 3 centimeteres in length. Within seconds he’s being bundled away to be questioned by airport security. So aquaintance one boards the plane with a 4 foot long razor sharp sword and a taser gun, whilst aquaintance 2 has his nail scissors confiscated !

Example 3: I was flying in Europe on the day that some lunatics planned to use a liquid type explosive device to blow up a plane. Someone in authority decided that all liquids should be banned from flights that day, which of course is a sensible precaution. However, the implimentation of that plan was a total disaster. Passengers where given a plastic bag, and requested to deposit all liquids in the bag, the idea I assume was that the bag would then be transported as cargo, rather than as hand luggage. However, due to a complete **** up, passengers where actually allowed to carry these plastic bags and their contents as hand luggage. So rather than carrying a liquid bomb onto a plane in your hand luggage, they get to carry it onto the plane inside a plastic bag !

That’s a perfect illustration of how dumb airport staff can be. Even when a risk is pointed out, and procedures are implimented to mitigate the risk, they still dont understand the risk thats staring them in the face.

Meanwhile the streets of most major cities are awash with illegal narcotics, a large percentage of which are transported by air fright. It should come as no surprise that some guy earning minimum wage working on airport security will be susceptible to bribes etc, hell even the top management are susceptible to bribes. If literally tens of tons of illicit freight can find its way through airport security each day what does that tell us about the effectiveness of these systems ?

Those are just examples that I’ve personally witnessed, and there are countless more examples where the system failed (for example some guy on the FBI’s most wanted database boarding a plane last christmas day with a liquid bomb that fortunately didnt detonate)

All of this technology is a waste of time, it assumes that your opponent does not modify his behaviour. If you strip search each passenger, they’ll stop carrying explosive devices and introduce them through freight. If you make airline travel 100% safe (increasing costs, eroding civil liberties etc) they’ll target some other weakness. Random testing would be equally effective without eroding civil liberties on a widespread scale.

As I said originally, its done for theatre to give an illusion of security, which probably leads to complacency. Maybe it would be better if people where made aware of the risks and asked to take a little more responsibility.

YouTube - 6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA

Yo, Obama

Why don’t you run [B]your[/B] daughters through one of these airport “pat-downs” — then come back here and have a discussion about [B]asinine government “security” measures[/B].

And the next time you take one of your monthly vacations, why don’t you and your entire Transportation Groping Authority visit Israel — [B]and learn how to do airport security that actually works without molesting children.[/B]

You and your whole damn regime are out of control.

We no longer live in a democracy, we live in an idiocracy, dominated by mediocrity, and allowed by complacency…

Maybe someone told Mr Obama that only caucassians and Wallstreet traders use airports and hence he decided that they must suffer the humiliation.