Self Motivation Videos And Quotes

Right. But if you’re already making $10k a month while living with your parents, why not take the fast lane? He said he was studying for about two years before reaching consistent profitability. So, that’s about $200k he earned with his father at that time.

He put half into education, and half into his trading account. He potentially put $100k into education, and started with a $100k account.

Seems smart to me. What do you think?

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Sounds like a good plan, unfortunately, most traders don’t have rich parents and can’t afford to pay for course after course.

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Yup. Be ready to pay dues to the school of hard knocks!

There’s no shortcut to profitable trading. It seems to me there are shortcuts to trading large funds, however. Prop firms and such alternatives are possibilities.

I know people have mixed feelings about them. I’m just saying that there are options out there.

How do you feel about camping?

I don’t mean camping so far from civilization that one small injury could cost you your life. I mean, maybe something like a camping ground. Or at a lake for a few days.

In the future, I’d love to go camping. Once you have the gear, you can pretty much pick up and go without much preparation.

This can be nice.

But I’d prefer a bit more solitude.

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Suffer The Pain Of Discipline or Suffer The Pain Of Regret.

Way of the Champion.


This movie is 99 Homes and takes place during the housing crisis of 2008/2009.

In this scene Carver is the boss. Nash got a job helping Carver with evictions. The time has come for Nash to do an eviction by himself and he feels uneasy about it. Carver is not happy about Nash’s reluctance.

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Don’t ever let anyone tell you what’s possible.


A dream come true :smiley:


Totally agree, thanks for sharing :blush:


constructive perspective ,thank you, really help


Man Builds Amazing Lamborghini From Start to Finish

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Impressive. How does someone with such skills not have a better workshop?

This is what happens when you hinder your own potential. He could have started a company and done something great. Instead, he’s in his driveway building a 300lb lamborghini out of mud.

Of course, I could be wrong. He might have his own company, and he might actually have a nice shop. I have no idea. I’m just making assumptions from this video.


lmao, don’t be so hard on the guy, it’s probably a hobby for him

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Fair enough. But it gives me motivation when I see someone maximize their potential. I love the underdog with little natural talent, and exceeds expectations.

Here’s a guy with a serious gift, and he’s making toy cars for youtube. It does the opposite of motivate me.

That’s also another lesson I’ve had to learn. Sometimes, you just gotta leave people alone and respect their decisions–no matter how good you think your advice is.

On the other hand, at least he has a youtube channel. Hopefully, he’s making money from that.

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You drive a tough bargain, lol it’s all good, I did search his channel on a YouTube money calculator to get an idea of how much he makes, I don’t know if these figures are accurate but here’s what I found

How much do youtubers make? YouTube Money Calculator - NoxInfluencer

Estimated Daily Earnings

$ 2,741.78

Estimated Monthly Earnings

$ 82,253.4

Estimated Yearly Earnings

$ 1,000,749.7

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That could be correct. But is that adjusted for his country? Is he earning USD?

It would have to be his currency, then converted to USD. I don’t know.

Looks like he’s doing well. So well, in fact, that he doesn’t buy boots or shoes? He continues to work in sandals?

Anyway, even with half of your estimate, he’s doing quite well. Way better than I.


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The Jabs starting to hurt, lol I get it you are not a fan of this type of motivation, Not every video can motivate all, different videos motivate different people, I do respect your opinion. :+1:

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I apologize. It’s just that I wish he was doing more.

Wouldn’t you love to see him recruit investors to build a car factory, and he manufactures his own luxury vehicles? Or any vehicle for that matter. I’d like to see him make a video talking about how he’s building a workshop and designing custom cars for international clients.

And instead he’s just having fun in his driveway with mud and almost no safety gear.

Even still, I’d like to see him level up his life and BUY a lamborghini. Just imagine this guy with as much determination as he has creativity.

This is like Good Will Hunting, when Will was working as a janitor at MIT.

But maybe this guy is doing all that, and he’s building his capital with these videos. Perhaps, I’m judging him too quickly.

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Your apology is not accepted because there is nothing to apologize for, wanting him to do better is a real thing, so why apologize for that?

Yes, it would be better if he did those things you said but not everyone has the ability or the resources or the understanding to push forward, going to investors you must have a plan, and if you go in there with some BS story and want them to help you with the minor details that you should already know they will reject you.

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I hope he upgrades someday, and his shop looks like the one in the thumbnail.

In the meantime, at least he’s having fun and making money with his videos.

Thanks for sharing!

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