Self Motivation Videos And Quotes

I just realized that maybe I’m being a hypocrite. When you have so much of something, you don’t think about how much is left.

When I open the water in the shower, do you think I worry about the water running out? Most of us don’t. We just hang out in the water reflecting on our life. When we get out the shower, it’s about time–not about how much water we used.

Most of us don’t think about how much we’re using until the supply gets low. We have so much water, that we use it for fun–not even for drinking! I’ll make water balloons without even thinking about water supply.

When you’re super duper wealthy, money is like water. You could spend as much as you want, and there’s ALWAYS more. It doesn’t matter how much stuff you buy.

If I grew up in such a family that money is like water, I’d be accustomed to spending money without thinking–just like I’m accustomed to using water and not thinking about it.

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Imagine being in that situation, How nice it would be

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World’s Craziest Car Dealership With Over $100 MILLION Worth of Cars!

Anything taken to the extreme becomes error… even truth.

-A.R. Bernard

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Super fast electric car :thinking:

Driving The New Fastest Car Ever Made!

Rimac Nevera is the quickest/fastest production car ever made (0-60 in 1.74s) and solidifies the future of electricity in automotive

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Only? Would you buy one?

Every super car has their own version of an electric car, so yeah, I’d buy one in the future

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Yeah, but where you gonna charge that thing?! How many charging stations are you gonna find?

Or am I out of date, and they’re everywhere now?

Regardless, that car looks like a sweet ride!! If you can charge it at home, go out for a nice ride, and be home before the battery dies, it’d be worth it.

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If you’re rich you have a charging station at home, but until more charging stations are built it would be better to take it around town and on the tracks.

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Yeah, you gotta go to track! Why have such a car if you can’t occasionally punch it to 160mph?

Bro, I can’t imagine what that kind of speed feels like. Well, with this kind of car, and a smooth track, it may only feel like 75mph.

Only one way to find out!!!

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BUGATTI Chiron breaks through magic 300mph barrier


OMFG! Let’s just consider the fact that at such high speed one slip of the steering wheel is instant death.

That’s some nice driving.

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Bugatti Crashes into Lagoon: Caught on Tape - Did Driver Crash $1 Million Car Intentionally?

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That’s at about 35mph or something. Imagine if he was pushing 200mph!

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How to LOSE over $300k and your wife in 1 second

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Jeez. So basically he put all his eggs in one basket and overleveraged. With $300k, I think you can afford to put some money away, or diversify.

That’s a sad story.

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Some people see money signs and believe they have the perfect set-up to overleverage their account, this has happened before with hedge funds and money managers, but what can go wrong when you overleverage will go wrong.

After stating that I am guilty of this type of trading, I toned it down once I started blowing my account, but at the same time, I was dealing 300k.

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I should also add as my account grew, I experienced traders block, at the time I didn’t know there was such a thing, but it’s real, for me I was afraid to lose money or blow my account, so instead of taking a trade I would freeze up.

WallStreetBets weeb goes full CHADMODE and makes MILLIONS

Holicisms (Holi) went as deep as one can go into AMC and turned $36k into $7.6million.

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