Self Motivation Videos And Quotes

Summary: Western man retires, and moves to the Philippines. He starts dating a single mom. He moved the woman and her daughter into his apartment.

He eventually regrets it and changes his mind. They start arguing and he kicks them both out.

He got arrested for putting them on the street. Unbeknownst to him, that’s a crime in the Philippines.

Now, he could face jail time.

Paradise, no more.

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Cash Rules Everything Around Me

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My first time hearing this one!

At first I was so confused whether it was old or new. I didn’t know what was going on. Haha

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A.I. created that mix.

You have YouTube channels that are using A.I. to recreate songs according to their liking.

How You Remind Me [Complete] - Nickelback - Ai Cover (Motown)

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Is it just me, or is that scary?


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It’s ok to isolate yourself and focus on you. Do it as long as you need to.

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What are the pros and cons of a defenseless sport?

Study of ‘Slap Fighting’ Reveals Signs of Brain Injury in 78% of Participants

“Slap fighting may be a more grievous combat sport than previously assumed, and strategies to prevent neurological demise among its participants should be pursued,” argue the team of doctors.

Slap fighting is exactly what it sounds like. Two people stand across from each other, and take turns slapping the other’s face with an open hand as hard as they can. Those who are receiving the slap can do nothing to defend themselves. They can’t wear headgear, and they aren’t even allowed to flinch.

The Most Brutal SLAP KNOCKOUTS Of All Time

Study of 'Slap Fighting' Reveals Signs of Brain Injury in 78% of Participants

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Pro: entertainment for me

Con: 78% brain injury for them

Of course, if they don’t wanna make money doing that they can make videos eating large quantities of food.

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That’s a good one because so many of them end up with health issues :+1:

What is the value of pleasing others if you risk well-being?

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What if that person finds the pain of suffering on his own terms less painful than suffering on someone else’s terms at a job?

Just a side point. A lot of men are looking for ways to become tougher. Being strong doesn’t always mean fighting. Usually, the smartest way to handle a confrontation is to walk away.

Violence is serious. If someone wants to fight, just say sorry (even if it’s not your fault) and walk away.

If you get into a fight, and hit someone in the face, what if he suffers minor brain damage? You hit him, he trips and hits his head on a rock? Guess who could be going to jail?

If you get locked up, the last thing you wanna say to yourself is “Why didn’t I just walk away?”

It’s not worth it. Sometimes, you don’t have a choice. But try exiting the situation first.

@SmallPaul what do you think?


Despite being a gun owner, I do what I have to do to avoid conflicts unless my life or the lives of my family are in danger, and I’ll leave it at that. :+1:

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You can’t compare the two unless the job costs brain injuries. however, I get the point you are making.

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I’m watching this movie while I study charts. I like this movie. I like watching investment movies because I don’t have anywhere else to hear people talking about that kind of business. It gives me a glimpse into that world.

I’m not saying I wish I had met Madoff.
Same for a lot of guys. Method Man, Freeway Ricky Ross, Jordan Belfort, Mao Tse Tung.

These are all bad people. But I can still find some value in them. Lots of 1990s rappers made songs about violence and drugs. In my book, that makes them bad. However, I like listening to their music. There’s something positive I can take from their experience—entertainment.

Same for all the guys above that I mentioned. What they did was bad, but objectively, there’s something I can take away from their story.

Take the good, leave the bad, and learn.

Sometimes, the lesson could be as simple as: think bigger.

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Right. When they are in danger, all bets are off and that person deserves whatever comes to him.

For example, if there’s an angry driver. You’ve probably seem videos like this. Some guy is driving like a jerk.

Don’t try to be aggressive back. Let him pass you and keep a distance from him.

However, if he gets out of his car and wants to attack you and your family, you serve him a two-piece and a buscuit.

Sometimes, you really don’t have a choice and you just gotta do what you gotta do.

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I haven’t heard this saying for a minute, brought back memories of when I used to say this. :+1:

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Asking Wealthy Americans How They Got Rich! (Florida)

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You understand.

First Day Of Boot Camp

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Marine Corps Boot Camp – Drill Instructors From Hell

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Well, if you felt like a weak man going in, you certainly won’t feel like that going out.

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