Self Motivation Videos And Quotes

Just toss it and run. The best thing is to exit and get away as fast as possible.

It may sound weird, but this is what a decoy wallet is for.

Of course not being flashy will discourage such situations, but sometimes trouble comes looking for you no matter what you do.

And that’s when preparation comes in handy. If you have a license and carry a firearm (and you’ve trained), that’s the time to use it.

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I overlooked this trick, thanks for the reminder.

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Age is just a mindset

99-Year-Old STILL Works Out

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It’s funny. There’s always an excuse to not do something. That list is endless.

And then we see others doing more with less. It’s a tough reality check.

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And what do you do when the day after tomorrow is still hard? How about the day after that? And the next day? And the next day? And you start thinking it’s impossible?

As each day goes on, more and more people in your same position will quit.

This is when determination separates you. It’s simply a matter of persistence, learning lessons each day, and not giving up.

Don’t let your past determine your future. Build your future one brick at a time. Step by step.

This is the development of fortitude.

And one day there WILL be sunshine!!

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You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.

George Lorimer

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It’s a funny thing trying to motivate someone to do something.

You really have no control. It’s not something you cam simply give to someone.

People change when they’re ready to change. It could happen the day after you say something to him. It could be five years later. It could be never.

He could be the laziest guy in the world. And then, one day he hits bottom; he decided enough is enough, and now your words finally click and make sense.

Now, he has motivation and he can’t be stopped.

It’s a strange thing.

This has been the case for me. People have told me things, and I just didn’t have the mental/emotional capacity to understand.

Years later, I finally did.

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Numerous factors occur in an individual’s life that can lead to feelings of depression and a lack of motivation; I can never judge them because I am unaware of their experiences, and I cannot feel their suffering, every person recovers at their own pace, whether through external encouragement or self-motivation. Some individuals never heal, while others might engage in unimaginable actions that can harm themselves or others.

I have experienced both highs and lows in my life; the most challenging aspect is getting back on your feet when you’re feeling low. It’s considerably simpler to remain down and abandon life.

You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated, Keep going. Each step may get harder, but don’t stop. The view is beautiful at the top. :+1:

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Right. It’s easier, and because it feels easier and provides short-term relief, we mistake it for the best solution.

Yup. It’s really just that simple. Make mistakes, learn, repeat.

That’s the secret, if there ever was one.

Yup. This one got me good!!

Everyone’s path and method is different. And that’s ok. Just do what works for you.

Some people need Oprah, some people need Goggins. Whatever works for you, just do it and reach your goals!!!

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And I think it’s good to fantasize sometimes.

Sit back, and imagine the life you want. Imagine the person you want to be. Imagine yourself at the finish line.

I do that a lot, and it helps keep me going.

And you know what? @SmallPaul said it’s not just fancy homes and private jets. It’s not just about stuff. Having financial resources is a big deal.

Imagine being able to give money to people you’ve always wanted to give to.

Even aside from money, imagine yourself with more discipline, more emotional control, more confidence.

All of these can be part of a better version of yourself.

Be the best “you” possible.

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That’s what truly matters — evolving into the best version of yourself, preferably that version is not malevolent.

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Just a reminder that there is real money in trading:






One thing I don’t understand about that:

It’s called the Forexcup Trading Championship. But then it also says you can trade any instrument.


So, which is it: forex only, or anything goes?

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Forex brokers with competition permit you to trade all instruments unless stated otherwise.


David possesses mental resilience; he experienced hardships early in life and chose to cease lamenting about his circumstances and organize his life, resulting in a mental toughness that cannot be shattered.

Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences,

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I must acknowledge China for its efforts; the number of people in relation to the land is significant, yet they have managed to maintain cleanliness and organization.

That density is remarkable! However, this does not seem like an overcrowded city; they created spaces for communal areas and have a pleasant street atmosphere with numerous shops and dining places and such.

World’s LARGEST Community: 600,000 People, 300 Buildings