Short term big movers

NZD usd tp 0.59642
EUR usd tp 1.09449
GBP jpy tp 183.845
GBP usd tp 1.26529
EUR gbp tp 0.85740

NZD usd sl 0.59052
EUR usd sl 1.08462
GBP jpy sl 185.846
GBP usd sl 1.27710
EUR gbp sl 0.85213

Chf jpy buy tp 167.365 sl 163.999
Cad jpy buy tp 108.008 sl 106.953

NZD chf sell
Aud chf sell

Now I’ve got it down pat with nzd chf down Aud chf down sell nzd cad aswell

Still good time to enter nzd chf sell Aud chf sell NZD cad sell :+1:

Sell gold chf

NZD chf tp 0.51224 sl 0.52563
NZD cad tp 0.79354 sl 0.80565
Aud chf tp 0.55580 sl 0.56748

Aud cad sell tp 0.86113 sl 0.86989

Usd cad sell tp 1.34966

EUR chf buy

Aud nzd sell

The theory that posting your winning strategy will break the market and cause your strategy to become unprofitable is absolutely hilarious. You only have to look at the turtle traders to see that it’s nothing to do with the strategy and more to do with the person. Their strategy was better than anything you’ll ever find in this forum and still not all of them did well

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Buy gbp jpy

GBP nzd buy

GBP Aud buy

Aud jpy sell
Aud chf sell

Cad chf sell

GBP jpy tp 186.633
Aud chf tp 0.56219
Aud jpy tp 92.834
Cad chf tp 0.64756

Close gbp jpy just sell Aud jpy Aud chf and cad chf