I know it may sound stupid but my question is this, i have taken 8 trades this week 4 winners for just under 7% account growth, 1 loser 0.5% account loss and 3 break evens, should i worry about breaking even this often?
The simple answer is yes. With the caveat if you have back tested or happy with the profitability then its fine.
hi, no u shouldn t, u did good that u made it a risk free trade as soon as possible imho. 1 thing u can do is look on those BE trades(that is if u journal them ofc) and see how they played out. did u moved to BE to fast, they took u out and then moved ur way or they completly went against u? if yes, then look on how u could manage the trade in order to not rush it 2 much( for example at 1 to 1 RR close half and move to BE. just an example, but BE trades are winning trades imo, as long as u don t lose(specially on shity days when price is in balance)ur getting ahead. good job.
Hi, it was only 8 trades, wait for 15-20, make backtest and compare results. Regards Greg
Thanks all, i do keep a journal so i can go back and see what has happened to them afterwards as i never check tbh, i will see what happens in jan and review at the end of the month
No, you should definitely not worry about the break evens, you have not lost and protected your your account.
With correct risk management and Risk:Reward ratio your current win rate will make you very profitable.
You have to learn to stand before you can walk. So many people blow their accounts within the first few weeks. Think about it this way, in your first 6 months of trading, if you’ve broken even then you’re doing well.
You should worry only about 1) following your rules for your trading and 2) making sure your rules are still the best. A winner that breaks the rules is a bad trade.
To me breaking even is better than losing money! At least your account is still intact and you’re still in the game. I’m a n00b though so who knows.
Imo yes, breaking even should in a sense be your 1st goal. There is no shame in b/e