Well, that 14.4% was a combination of good market conditions perhaps more than anything; I was expecting maybe a few pips but in a strong trend sometimes price just starts moving in the right direction no matter what you do…
I’ll try to answer questions as best I can:
>>Firstly, are you trading multiple currencies now (17 trades in 2 hours is high for one pair i think)?
That was all EURUSD on what was basically one big downtrend over something like 2.5 hours, in the middle the trend paused and went the other way for about 10 minutes (kind of out of its ‘channel’) and so I quit trading for about half an hour. I didn’t really know what to think; I thought it was done at first but then saw the steep good trend continue.
>>Secondly, what’s the exit strategy?
Well, that’s a very good question. I sort of went with the philosophy of ‘you can’t go broke taking profits’ so my target is generally a few pips past the spread. So maybe 3 or 4 pips. Or even two, if it’s sort of paused there and might go the other way. What happened though, is that it gets to 3 or 4 pips positive and then just goes 5, 6, 7, 10, 15 pips… and when it paused again for a while I got out. Anywhere from a few seconds to say a minute of pause.
On the ‘bad’ side ~ if the trade went negative a couple pips I just plain got out, fast.
>>And finally, what sort of lot size are you trading?
I’m on Oanda demo, so I was at 30,000 units, 3 dollars per pip, at 50:1 leverage. That was nearly all the margin I had. I should know how many micro lots that is, but I’m embarrassed to say I don’t off the top of my head. That’s probably a warning sign of… something. I should know that stuff cold before I go live. Oanda allows ridiculously small trade sizes so I don’t have to worry about ‘one lot, two lots’ kinds of problems and I have been taking advantage of that.
One other thing, and this may sound a bit ridiculous but it’s sort of how I work ~ I didn’t trade a couple days ago because I was tired, and then last night I didn’t trade because I ate some candied pistachio nuts and… I don’t think they agreed with me very well. If I’m not feeling tip~top, alert and in the mood for trading, I’ll go do other things. Like sleep, generally, or any other sort of responsibility avoidance I can manage.
Here’s a picture of what the trading looked like, and you’ll see I had one go against me in there ~ it went against me a few times, but the overall trend saved me. I wouldn’t even think of trading counter trend, and you can see that I tended to trade only a bit away from support, or once it had kind of punched through support. This is on the ‘left’ screen (I have 3 monitors with an ATI Eyefinity) and my mt4 with all the colorful stuff and indicators on the right screen. In the middle screen I’ve usually got a browser up or a video game or something, or if feeling rather responsible it’s my business accounting.