~snipped ok its

So if I were to post this:

“In fact the latest person who has requested my help is doing so at a discounted rate”.

Having posted the day before:
“Maybe when I reach your level Martin I would feel comfortable charging 300 an hiur…but till then I am comfortable with what I offer”

The poster’s profile says “Forex Mentor providing traders with the needed guidance to acheive their goals” ( the link to the blog is down, also i before e except after c, very professional).

Bottom line - first two word of rrr’s thread title applies.

rrr, that’s what you get for offering a little help to an old timer ( I’m guessing) :slight_smile:

seriously some people have some deep issues.

you do realise that your desperate need for attention and approval/recognition is endangering a young womans job, do you?

do you think penelopip is here because she likes to mess with special cases lile you?
get a grip of your own brain and simply do whats been said. you dont need to be part of this, it is not your job unlike for some other people who pay their rent or the school for her kids with it.

this online crapping of people who would never dare in real face to face conversation but do run big annonimous mouths online.

its a shame. a real shame. get a life.


Never be afraid to criticize if criticism is warranted, why not?


I just hope for their sakes he doesn’t “mentor” them by telling them that stop losses are for losers, and some other stuff he’s posted here?! :open_mouth: :confounded:


I think you make assumptions which may be incorrect.

However - if a person cannot do the job right, why should they be protected ?

And why should “a young woman” have any more "Protection " than - “an old man” ???

I quite like penelopip - but hey the internet is the internet - and full of BS !

No… i’m talking to the OP, but involving the mods, but primarily talking the OP

Hi @rrram2!

As shared with you through PM, your post was deleted because it referenced to two of your personal Twitter handles, which upon checking, both featured a link to a site for forex asset management.

Posts that link in this fashion to commercial websites are not allowed in the forums. We hope you understand.

Thank you!


Well done mods. Thats naughty mikey.


first of all, has nothing to do with woman or old men. you are the one assuming here and now.

second, her job or if she does it right or not shall not be judged by the unsatisfied person who is being penalized.

if you dont agree to point two then i immagine you have a damn hard time with police or judges in your life.

her boss is going to judge if she does a good job or not. the only mistake @Pipstradamus made was that he introduced her as being new and in need of teaching, with that action he gave her work away to the evaluation of the retarded crowd. and there are people hopping on the train which was started by sucker 1 and departured towards sucker 2 and 3 and etc. and yes i do use the word sucker very intentionally.

let her do her job. easy as that. you are not the one to judge if she is doing it good or bad. you are nobody. simple as that. deflate your ego. your opinion does not count/matter. and it counts/matters even less in evaluating of if a person has a paid job or not.

anyways disclaimer: i am not believing that penelopips job is endangered. but the crap pouring out on mods work lately, may it be justified or not, has found a specific target on her, not because her work differs in any way from other mods work, but because she has been singled out by few eyes and is in the spotlight since then- for whatever reason. and as it seems to me most people do not realise that if it gets too annoying they will simply change the name from penelopip into sonething else, pretend its somebody else, and the criers will be happy and think they have some powerd in their complaints.


@ Everyone Concerned
to speak for myself personally, i have not singled out Penelopip, and I KNOW most of this post relates to me alone if not a few others, and… that’s ok. i don’t take it personally, I understand

but so that it’s clear, let me say this
What i accused penelopip of was based on a sequence of factual events and my belief that she was executing the actions on her post (Deletions and flags and what not) at her own discretion.

I have since spoken to (i think) Pipstradamus, who has told me … briefly stated, that before she takes action or any mod does, they apparently have meetings over it and it’s a joint decision
so… that then, changes my perception on things

it also then leads me to question , Why the sudden change , but anyway… IT DOESN’T REALLY MATTER,
at the end of the day, the mods will do what they think is in the best interest of their company
we are the guests on this site
and i accept that the mods have to deal with a bunch of whinging idiots on a daily basis so much so that the crap they have to deal with is probably oozing out of their eyeballs… and i can respect that

i have also come to understand that what penelopip did in the past was really more about bad timing… wrong place, wrong time, sort of thing, as opposed to intentional actions
this in turn has made me rethink what occurred

i don’t hold any ill will towards her, but what i believed she did at that time, i just wanted to her to recognize it, because (without mentioning the members name so as to respect their wishes) i think it’s sad when people who contribute to the site leave as a result of a mod being unfair, which i believed was the case at that time

but like i said, things have been clarified since.
penelopip is not without fault, but it also is clear that EVERYTHING i believed was also not as it appeared to be at that time.
life is like this sometimes, things are not always as they seem .

but yes she is new and we will give her the time of day (at least i will)

as for this comment

that’s fine, but changing a name would not modify her traits and her style of moderation,
it would be obvious, even if we didn’t realize it was her, we would have another that we would accuse of the same thing

i just wanted to say that i disagree that if the name is changed we would not pick up on it.
the only way it would be possible to pull that off is
if the name was changed and the problem that was occurring was rectified,… then… YES IT PROBABLY WOULD GO UNNOTICED.

anyway,i just wanted my position clearly understood towards penelopip,
i know she already knows this as we have PM’d
but i thought it would be useful and informative that all of you understood this as well

I have nothing against penelopip
and what occurred back there…WE HAVE SORTED OUT

penelopip since then , has deleted a lot of posts i have been on, Mainly due to other scammers violating rules , but not me violating them, but i did converse with them so my comments were deleted

do i care… No, not in the slightest…I completely understand

so… ME AND PENELOPIP ARE COOL (as it stands now) we have an understanding
now beyond that, if anything is still outsanding between penelopip and another member, I personally have no part in that. I’m responsible for my own words and actions towards mods… that’s it.

@Pipstradamus Take a Bow Mate

I mean , guys… seriously… let’s consider how much crap the mods have to deal with (and i know, i’ve had to lead teams in the past in various roles)
Now imagine , how many members there are
How many whingers
how many time wasters
how many scammers
how much BS they have to put up with

NOW… PIPSTRADAMUS has been ever so patient… i gotta admit that

and let’s be honest, back in like November when he didn’t know me too well. there we times when i was talking to him and he bit my head off a little (So to speak)
but, IT’S COOL
i ignored it and didn’t make thing out of it and i asked for understanding, and HE GAVE IT


so… for that HE HAS MY RESPECT and appreciation
i also wanted to say that, because he doesn’t have to put up with what he puts up with… YET HE DOES

and i know he won’t always receive a resolution that he wants
but, i can assure you when he deals with me… he certainly will
i respect people that respect me back and i am willing to do whatever is necessary to find a solution IF THE OTHER PERSON IS WILLING TO DO THE SAME

he’s a good bloke

that’s all i have to say here
sorry for the long post


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

to be honest, I found your post patronising and chauvinist, which is why I responded. In 2018 we are all equal and the fact that “Penelopip” presents ***self as a “young woman” would not be a reason to attack another poster in a truly “Equal” world. (S)he is in a position of power and does not need some patriarchal “Old school” “Protection”.

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wow you show some real misconception here.

my posts are not of protecting nature of her but of critisising nature of the general socio cultural patterns of behaviour of crowds, in this case “standard online community crowding” or how its also called “shitstorm for no good reason” and annonimous egos overshadowing a “intelligent human perception”.

you are only pulling any clichet you can find in order to find anything that might fodder your cannon with low quality powder.
anyways, in my opinion enough said in this topic, i leave it at this and leave the community to argue with itself.

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Yep. That is what my 100% (in agreement) was for though.

This is what I feel people here need to realize. They don’t wake up and think about ways to annoy members.

I agree also but in this instance, I don’t think he even waited for a response from the mods. That is not fair to be so impatient and then just publicize the issue like this. I saw his reply here that said he didn’t get a timely response - I’m not sure what is considered timely here, less than 6 hours? 5 minutes?

Okay wow this thread blew up. I’ve said my piece and will check other threads now. Honestly, I think it’s a waste of time responding more to this thread. I think good points have been made. OP sounds like he will be off to find ways to attack each and every one who disagreed with him here.


rrram2, conspicuous by your absence



That’s right bob, Shame on you… hehe

@rrram2 is like…

FOR AN EXCHANGE OF SERVICES, that would not hold up in a court of law :stuck_out_tongue:
clearly he didn’t stipulate it :stuck_out_tongue:
that would not hold up in the court of the Mods / robot elders

and @_bob is like

Nah Nah Nah…Naaaahh that’s not how i heard it :stuck_out_tongue:



There a lot of editing going on in this thread. Luckily ramy can’t edit this.

So here is a poll. As @rrram2 under stealth deception slowly edits his thread does it make him look guilty of spamming and a crybaby for getting cuaght or is he innocent and it was all a big misunderstanding.

  • Guilty as charged.
  • Completely innocent.

0 voters


If that means getting rid of what rrram2 posted, I’m all in favour of it. :sunglasses: