So if 90-95% of traders are losing money why do we still trade?

Well that is a refreshingly different perspective on the matter!!! :smiley:

But I think we have to accept that the context of the thread is more specific, many people lose money trading when their ambition had been to profit from their trading.

But I agree with you, there can be other motives why someone may trade markets even if they lose money and will still consider it worthwhile. For example. moderate losses maybe considered the cost of participating in the same manner as one spends money on a hobby (this has been discussed previously!).

There are also situations where one may be trading an account against another external interest such investments in a foreign currency or an income stream. In these circumstances one is looking at hedging functions and losses on one are offset by gains on another.

But in spite of all that, I really think we are only really limiting our thoughts to losses incurred in spite of an intended search for profit,

i guess he mean 10 to 15% of them make money and we losing

I dont think that it should care you.
Nice offtop btw

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Edited as no longer necessary :slight_smile:

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True. Well if that be the case. How are these statistics measured? There are so many variables. Volume of loss, quantity of loss, demographics, economic data, educational backgrounds/standards, time of experience, instruments traded. Even gender could play a role!

I just don’t understand how various figures can be quoted, and it’s taken as sage old wisdom. Where’s the proof? It’s very possible that in a certain demographic only 40% of traders fail. It would be a treasure-trove of information if that were discovered.

Again, just identifying the shades of grey that linger.


:smiley: what is not longer necessary, i just got back knife from old friend, bleeding

HI Swanface,

It is true that there are no entirely accurate data analyses to “prove” these figures, but there are some other threads here on BP that provide some statistical data that support these figures. If I remember rightly the research was done by poster called Rhody Trader based on data provided by various brokers?

Maybe someone else might remember it, or you can probably find it via the search function if it interests you?

Errrr, Now I don’t understand at all. The post I was referring to has now gone, so my post is no longer relevant? Is that not ok with you?

Here is one such thread that you might find useful:

We can learn how to make money from forex trading and still having opportunity to increasing money, although not easy and many trader fail but in fact forex business still become one great business as source of income and we trade forex because still any hope to make money online.

Because we all want to be successful and earn money. Those who drop and leave are the one who is impatient and it’s better for them to leave. The WILL to conquer is the key to success.

Of course your will will motivate you to do trading. You will compromise all difficulties faced in this way. There may be many failed attempts as you are beginner even after experience too. Not be hopeless. Once you know the art of right trading you can make many profits from this business.

The reason why people keep trading is that potential of making huge money in this market. Mainly people lose because they want to make quick and big money that is possible but require management and skills.