Some tips

Hello everyone. I don�t know if you remember me, Im not new in the forum and in FX either, but I took a break to study a little more about it, actually Im happy to did it, because during those months the market was really interesting, so got some knowledge but Im still need more help from you. Can you get me some tips to trade? Tips that I cant find in books, tips from real traders. Thanks :wink:

Don’t eat yellow snow!!!

Welcome back :slight_smile:

Only use simple, easy to understand methods. Avoid confusing charts.

Use no more than 2 indicators at first and always adjust your S/L and T/P, and not too far apart. Good luck. :cool:

Hi Alisha,
You might find this thread helpful…it was for me!


Make a plan and follow it, your plan, that fix with your type of trading.

Welcome back dear trader. My tip for you now is to quick review the school section here just to remind some things. That is if you’re kind of new working on forex. Also check what new threads are posted and about what, maybe you’ll find some useful information about the actual condition of the market.

Did you read news hum? Well I hope you do, that�s my tip after been away so long.
Ah a good monitor. :smiley:

Be ready for the next 2 month, maybe you leave the market in good conditions, but now it�s not the same, so, be ready darling.

Hi there alisha, well as most have mentioned review the news to see how has the currencies been affected and check the trend of the currency you’re working with of the days you missed trading to see what drastic changes have occurred. Review and then start to trade again.

I hope you got out of the market but I hope you saw the market some days, if you didn�t, can be hard for you, but if you did, it can be easy because you can trade more comfortable, even you can practice what you studied. Also the big changes can be useful to review them again.

Try to see what price is doing now, instead of using a bunch of indicators to tell you what price was doing. Use buy limit orders instead of market orders, let the price come to you with some momentum. And always follow your trading strategy. See how well it does over a number of trades, instead of watching it lose two or three times and giving up on it.

Have a goal in mind like a speculator,decide which currency you like or dislike based on economic releases and news.Then use the charts for entry and exits,keep up with the news on the currencies you pick to help you decide when to trade and when not to.

I think you can get the advices from all of them, but my advice for you, don�t do that again, is good if you post how hard that was to come back after good time.

I know what you mean, It�s hard to be away for so long, well I have to say that is really unbelievable you were away, I don�t know if you saw news, but they can tell you everything.