Candlestick Chart Picture C
Candlestick Chart Picture C shows more could have, should have would have opportunities.
Most people who try to chart based live trade fail to make enough pips profit. This is due to –
Having to cover the broker spread before a profit is possible.
Not being able to know where the chart live/latest price will move to and when.
Charts only show what has happened, and future price movement is yet to occur.
Charts only show past price movement over time (line chart), or intervals (candlesticks, bars) of time. Quite random info.
Needing to use a stop loss due to not being able to know where the chart live/latest price will move to and when, which results in losing trades, to prevent a big loss that can lead to a margin call or worse.
How many times does the stop loss get hit only for price to move where one had hoped.
So chart based live trading for enough pips profit overall is very difficult, and the odds are stacked against the trader, regardless of time interval of chart used.
So one has to admit that one doesn’t currently have a method that one - easily makes enough pips profit with, or easily makes as many pips profit with as one would like to.
If a continuous line chart was used instead of an interval based candlestick or bar chart, seeing what one could have, should have, would have done for gaining the most pips profit would be less clear.
The other thread started by me - “Candlestick Low and High Prices” in the “Candlesticks, Chart Patterns, and Price Action” section of this forum, contains related details and more candlestick chart picture examples, but is not focused on an actual trading method, which this thread is more so.
With these candlestick chart pictures on both threads showing what would be Somewhat Perfect profit opportunities from on that candlestick onwards, based on the profit enabling price movement that followed the blue and red squares and circles all the way to the next opposing direction and different colour square. Candlestick Low and High prices
This is not my thread.
To create a Somewhat Perfect system, what I have posted so far may or may not be of use in that moving forward.
Something completely different may evolve.
Somewhat Perfect as the focus and hopefully the fruit.
Reverse engineering Somewhat Perfect may be possible.
To enable guessing accurately enough often enough where the chart live/latest price will move to and when, to make at least enough pips profit consistently overall.
Or maybe a trading crystal ball will emerge.