Spot forex in USA

hi, hope you all are fine.

since cfds and spread betting are illegal in USA, so how do they trade in spot forex in usa???

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Hmmm. :thinking: Not sure what the proper answer to the question is since I guess itā€™s pretty straightforward, but I think since itā€™s strictly regulated, a lot of citizens choose to go with offshore brokers for better trading options. :open_mouth: Actually, one of the popular threads here is this one:

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Looks like itā€™s mostly terminologies / how countries define things. So if you have CFDs in the UK, itā€™s retail FX in the US!

From the school:

So to make this differentiation clear, a rolling spot FX contract is ruled as a CFD. (In the U.S., CFDs are illegal so itā€™s known as a ā€œretail forex transactionā€)

Retail Forex

There is a secondary OTC market that provides a way for retail (ā€œpoorerā€) traders to participate in the forex market.

Access is granted by so-called ā€œforex trading providersā€œ.

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Are you looking for a broker? Thereā€™s only a handful.


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Great post! I didnā€™t even realize there are EFTs for currencies. Of course, why wouldnā€™t there be? I just never thought about it.

I was reading a book about EFTs but I slowed down on it. I guess I should pick it back up!

However, Iā€™m reserving my funds for active trading spot fx. For me, EFTs is more for passive investing. I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like to day trade or even scalp ETFs. Oh boy!

I have a book about passive investing in ETFs. But if you can trade forex and are familiar with TA, why bother switching instruments? Unless itā€™s only about diversification.

These brokers Iā€™ve had very good experiences with. I have no plans of closing my accounts with them.

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Yup, totally agree.

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Open a demo account with any of the US brokers I mentioned. That gets you involved easy!

Day trading in general, I canā€™t imagine! :joy: