Start of Something New

I’ve been putting off learning about trading for a while now and have finally decided to begin my journey. I enjoy learning new things and I want to acquire a skill that I can take with me through life; a skill that can also make me money and bring me endless opportunities. I’m hoping that learning about Forex will lead me into the life that I picture for myself. Becoming successful with trading will help build my confidence, self-discipline and hopefully, my pockets. I’m really looking forward to this new stage in my life and I’m grateful that I have the resources I need to accomplish all that I desire. I’m glad that I’m starting young and can’t wait to look back at this post once I’ve learned more and progressed. Pray for my consistency :slight_smile:

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Focus on the learning process and let any rewards take care of themselves.

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Trading is the epitome of "free will’ that maybe what the attraction is everyday different lthe choice is infinite,liike picasso he never probably knew what the end product would be

Focus more on your learning and try to start demo trading while learning and do more and more practice with trading and later you can start real trading.

Welcome! and My prayers are with you!

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Nor would I, and still don’t.