Statistical Arb/Pairs trading strategy!

This blog post has a fairly good writeup on in and out of sample testing as it applies to trading.Summary:

Take a system you have optimized from period X to Y and then run it from Y to Z, then evaluate the characteristics of the system on the Y to Z region in order to evaluate whether or not it passes the test.

This means that you should run an optimization, take the best result and run an out of sample test. If the result fails then the whole trading logic has no value and no other optimization results are used.

The problem is that if you start ā€œpickingā€ results to get those that perform well in out of sample testing you are effectively introducing a strong selection bias which is equivalent to running an optimization of the full testing period
Just to reemphasize, make sure you only optimize on the in sample period. Donā€™t use the out of sample results as a basis for system selection as you are going along optimizing the in-sample data, only for system validation at the end.

It makes no sense to out of sample any but the best optimized results of the ā€œworking periodā€ since in real life you wouldnā€™t be able to ā€œgo backā€ and ā€œcherry pickā€ the best system for use.

I donā€™t necessarily agree with the following paragraph, because volatility tends to cluster and randomly selecting periods may cause that relationship to vanish when testing if there is too much splitting of the data. This is also why I donā€™t use Monte Carlo analysis when analyzing system results. Also it is bad practice to intentionally introduce any selection or look ahead bias.

Another interesting factor is that using a straight X->Y->Z approach doesnā€™t allow for the best out of sample testing solution since you are effectively also introducing a selection bias against the Y->Z period. Although this selection bias is not that bad you can obtain better results if you distribute the out of sample period length randomly within the tests in such a way that no particular set of market conditions is evaluated as an out of sample period. So for example if I wanted to run a 20 year test with 10 years of optimization and 10 years of out of sample testing I would choose 10 years at random for optimization and then do a test of the 10 out of sample years after that. This means that any strategy developed will be inherently more robust as it is out of sample tested across non sequential market conditions.

And finally this is a good summary:

Does this mean that out of sample tested strategies cannot fail ? Certainly not, out of sample testing merely ensures that a strategy was able to survive outside of its optimization period and therefore it hints that it can survive changes in market conditions without losing its mathematical expectancy.

Oh! I seeā€¦ so a forward testing could be a Out sample, because my optimization is between right now and 2000 previous bars, and a forward testing from right now to right now + 2000 bars is like y -> z step.

Found this useful function on R: read.csv(file.choose())

This should load the data from a CSV file, that is easy to download from MT4 and yahoo data.

Yes forward testing is out of sample testing.

FXEZ, Iā€™m extracting cointegrated stocks from US market.

Iā€™m following this rules:

Period 2 full years of data on daily view
Low correlation (from -0.30 to 0.30)
Beta difference less than 0.2
r=0 shows cointegration
Price of stock above 5 USD
Minimum cash traded daily of 1,000,000 USD, using average volume * price

Iā€™m also planing to check that they are on same Sector/Industry, but right now it donā€™t do that.

Do you think they are correctly obtained?

This are some results

Relacion valida para MON y NE correlacion 0.1199 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 31.01 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para MON y DO correlacion 0.1909 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 31.98 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para MON y SLB correlacion -0.07077 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 36.65 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para MON y TDW correlacion 0.1469 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 31.91 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para MON y IX correlacion 0.2675 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 37.01 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para ACOM y IRIS correlacion -0.1357 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 32.24 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para LM y CEB correlacion -0.09153 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 30.99 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para LM y PKG correlacion -0.1488 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 37.85 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para LM y IRIS correlacion -0.2981 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 38.25 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para CTAS y IMH correlacion 0.288 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 31.12 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para CTAS y PVR correlacion 0.2062 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 33.48 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para OFG y AZZ correlacion -0.2328 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 31.41 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para OFG y IRIS correlacion -0.01355 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 43.16 > 1pct 30.45
Relacion valida para OFG y CBB correlacion -0.2493 y cointegracion r = 0 ; test 34.33 > 1pct 30.45

Check this pair, DVN and IRIS, on the pair trading tool of Think Or Swim.

I made calculations for two full years, but this view shows 5 years of data, or 1300 days [5years*(365-52*2)]=1305, without counting holidays.

I think it shows a very nice co-integration, oscillating between +/- standard deviations.

Wow! check this other

> summary(cor(IMH[7],NDZ[7]))
 Min.   :-0.02362  
 1st Qu.:-0.02362  
 Median :-0.02362  
 Mean   :-0.02362  
 3rd Qu.:-0.02362  
 Max.   :-0.02362  
> summary([7],NDZ[7]), type=c('trace'), ecdet=c('trend'), K=2, spec=c('transitory')))

# Johansen-Procedure # 

Test type: trace statistic , with linear trend in cointegration 

Eigenvalues (lambda):
[1] 6.077018e-02 5.015262e-02 1.387779e-17

Values of teststatistic and critical values of test:

          test 10pct  5pct  1pct
r <= 1 | 25.88 10.49 12.25 16.26
r = 0  | 57.42 22.76 25.32 30.45

Eigenvectors, normalised to first column:
(These are the cointegration relations)

             Adj.Close.l1 Adj.Close.l1   trend.l1
Adj.Close.l1  1.000000000    1.0000000 1.00000000
Adj.Close.l1  0.286521829   -4.1641744 0.46066357
trend.l1     -0.003659073    0.0188502 0.01632716

Weights W:
(This is the loading matrix)

            Adj.Close.l1 Adj.Close.l1      trend.l1
Adj.Close.d  -0.03443017  0.003586482 -2.787275e-17
Adj.Close.d   0.01392713  0.014295439 -5.272312e-17


I see that they have very low correlation, near zero correlation. Also, they have very high co-integration, with r=0 and r<=1

The bad part is that they have not enough historical data :frowning: and something just happened to the pair recently, maybe a short opportunity.

FXEZ, can you confirm me that a way to check if some time series is I(1) is with the ur.df function?, checking if the test if greater than the 1pct result, with lag=1?


By the way, I found about 6000 combinations of low correlation and good cointegration on the stock market. Some of the combinations I found had cointegration with r <= 1, r<=2 and r<=3. I think Iā€™m going to retry the test with more data, maybe 4-5 years of data to have longer term information.

To your post #1285, the method looks sound enough. Because there is not any one ā€œright wayā€ when it comes to putting together a strategy testing methodology, youā€™ll have to see how the results look from your specific formulation and if it makes sense to you.

Yes the ADF test (ur.df is one implementation of that test) allows checking if the cointegrated series is I(1) (or I(0) as it should be). From what Iā€™ve read there is quite a some statistical ā€œartā€ in how to put the tests together. Statistical art is generally left for the pros so the basics will have to do for the rest of us. There is a method for determining the number of lags to use for a given series. I canā€™t off the top of my head remember how this is done. There may be something on that topic in one of the vignettes (urca or vars). I think there was a good journal article on the urca package but canā€™t find it at the moment. I can try to locate it if youā€™re interested.

Medisoft, I think I found the Journal of Statistics paper I mentioned in the previous post or at least one that goes into the main topics. jstatā€™s papers are generally very tractable with examples so that you can follow along.

The paper goes into depth on unit roots and order of integration. Also there is a lengthy discussion on lag selection, as well as use of the various packages. It is actually a write up for the CADF package, but section 5 covers ur.df as well for contrast. Good luck!

Unit Root CADF Testing with R

Thanks FXEZ.

I tested my hypothesis creating 3 series, one that was not a time series, one with the ts function, that should be a time series, and other one importing 1000 days from the IBM quote from yahoo.

I evaluated the three of them with adf test, and found that IBM data and the data generated with TS function gave a higher test value, telling me that they are I(1) and also I(0) for lags from 1 to 9, and the series that should not be time series gave me the expected result, showing me a much smaller test value than the 1pct required value.

Now Iā€™m in the way to understand how to use the information obtained from to size the positions.

I think that gives to me the coefficients, isnā€™t it?

I think that they are the eigenvectors, but I have some doubts: I donā€™t know what to do with the ā€œtrendā€ value, also donā€™t know what is the Weights W data.

On the example below I have co-integrated series on r=0, r<=1 and r<=2, so I can use the eigenvectors from column 1,2 and 3.

Using the first column I buy 100 shares of security1, sell 52 from security2, sell 440 for security 3 and buy 356 for security4 (or the respective values scaling the max risk)

Is that right?

Thanks again :slight_smile:

Test type: trace statistic , with linear trend in cointegration 

Eigenvalues (lambda):
[1] 7.845393e-02 6.711211e-02 5.300111e-02 2.669163e-02 5.551115e-17

Values of teststatistic and critical values of test:

           test 10pct  5pct  1pct
r <= 3 |  13.61 10.49 12.25 16.26
r <= 2 |  41.00 22.76 25.32 30.45
r <= 1 |  75.94 39.06 42.44 48.45
r = 0  | 117.04 59.14 62.99 70.05

Eigenvectors, normalised to first column:
(These are the cointegration relations)

             Adj.Close.l1 Adj.Close.l1 Adj.Close.l1 Adj.Close.l1   trend.l1
Adj.Close.l1    1.0000000   1.00000000    1.0000000    1.0000000  1.0000000
Adj.Close.l1   -0.5283754   5.41397216  -29.4342016    6.3219781 -3.2545624
Adj.Close.l1   -4.4066380  12.40436122    9.8253392   11.6584724 -4.0106937
Adj.Close.l1    3.5658929   6.26066904    1.0843591   -5.2988737 -3.5152390
trend.l1        0.1147336   0.04972291    0.2207489    0.0156572 -0.1350147

Weights W:
(This is the loading matrix)

            Adj.Close.l1  Adj.Close.l1  Adj.Close.l1  Adj.Close.l1
Adj.Close.d -0.081819434 -0.0103705224 -0.0058732067 -0.0039185655
Adj.Close.d -0.004313884  0.0000633547  0.0017941945  0.0001134815
Adj.Close.d  0.002268379 -0.0015292304  0.0003956242 -0.0007759662
Adj.Close.d -0.010012370 -0.0033857778 -0.0004904115  0.0052852698
Adj.Close.d  7.347546e-17
Adj.Close.d  1.199676e-18
Adj.Close.d -4.006632e-18
Adj.Close.d  5.248568e-18

The portfolio ratios are correct. To find out whether you should buy or sell you need to look at the current value of the portfolio in relation to its mean.

If you plot the portfolio value over time the meaning of the trend should be clear. Normally youā€™d want a trend close to 0 for equal long and short opportunities. But I imagine you could use weightings with a positive (negative) trend and only trade long (short).

Does this mean youā€™ve given up on forex cointegration Medi? :stuck_out_tongue:

Stocks make more sense, thereā€™s more opportunities and fundamental reasons for cointegration.

Medisoft, In addition to what shamanix said,

The trend.l1 row is the intercept. You can optionally add this number as a constant to the rest of the formula to zero center the computed spread around zero. Shamanix likely knows more of the underlying math theory so refer to his answer regarding the trend.l1 column.

I donā€™t know what the weights are either, and I havenā€™t found any use for them in trading.


I would like to have a trend = 0, but donā€™t know how to get it with On the Arbomat program the author uses the lm function and it gets trend = 0, but I still donā€™t know what is doing that code.

Nop, I continue with FX :slight_smile: Iā€™m forward testing on FX, but Iā€™m in diversification. Adding cointegration trading with stocks makes sense also, specially if the tool from my broker gives to me that pair trading tool :slight_smile:

A problem with FX is that it is difficult to find pairs that have low enough correlation and at the same time low spread and be cointegrated hehehe.

I think my ā€œsearch engineā€ is working now for stocks. Iā€™m forward testing (out sample) some pairs on a demo account and also on FX (thanks to Arbomat). So far, arbomat is giving good results, but Iā€™m just begining. With the stocks I donā€™t have any information yet, because they are on daily view, so that could take some weeks, but the stocks pairs that I found have had very long co-integration relationship, more than 4 years of pretty good co-integration.

Thanks FXEZ for your help :slight_smile: and thanks to the Arbomat developer and the R developers, R is an excellent open source program!

My understanding was that Arbomat by 7bit is using lm to do a linear regression, e.g. it tries to fit:
EUR-USD = alpha * GBP-USD + beta * AUD-USD + ā€¦ (depending on the currencies, or it can take the time difference as well). Iā€™m not great with R, but when he uses lm, he does lm(y ~ x + 0). I believe the +0 gives zero trend.

The docs for say you can use the ecdet argument to set zero trend. So when you call do something like:ā€¦, ecdet=ā€œnoneā€)

Forcing zero trend will likely result in less statistically significant relationships, but the ones you do find may be easier to trade :slight_smile:

Let us know how you goā€¦ I want to try looking for short term trends (over a week or so) and making day trades based off them. Not sure if it will work, but Iā€™m too impatient for long-term cointegration :stuck_out_tongue:

In arbomat you set allow_intercept to false to solve for y~x+0:

if (allow_intercept){                      
      Rx("model <- lm(y ~ x)");                       // fit the model
      Rx("model <- lm(y ~ x + 0)");                   

Iā€™m with you, Iā€™m testing arbomat and itā€™s partner arbomatEA (modified and fixed by me because the one that is available has a lot of bugs, maybe some of them are purposely there to avoid newbies to use it without learning first)

With FX it is easier to trade short time frames like 15M because the commissions are low and the pairs are traded 24 hours, so Iā€™m testing this on the short time frame, ideally intraday, and on stocks for long term co-integrations, because commissions are pretty high but the daily co-integration relationships lasts months if not years.