Stock Tips For Investment Success : Personal View

[li]As a new investor, be prepared to take some small losses.[/li][li]Always cut your losses at 8% below your purchase price.[/li][li]Persistence is key when learning to invest. Don’t get discouraged.[/li][li]Learning to invest doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and effort to become successful at it.[/li][li]When getting started, it is important that you pick the right full service or discount brokerage.[/li][li]If you use a broker, make sure he or she has a good track record.[/li][li]As a beginner, set up a cash account, not a margin account.[/li][li]It only takes Rs. 2000 to Rs.40000 to get started. Experience is a great teacher.[/li][li]Avoid more volatile types of investments, such as futures, options, and foreign stocks.[/li][li]Concentrate on a few, high-quality stocks. There’s no need to own twenty or more stocks.[/li][li]Don’t get emotionally involved with your stocks. Follow a set of buying and selling rules, and don’t let your emotions change your mind (read my post on 50 Ways You[/li][li]Know You Are An Emotional Investor to see if you are an emotional investor)[/li][li]Don’t buy a stock under $15 a share. The best companies that are leaders in their fields simply do not come at $5 or $10 per share.[/li][li]Learning from the best stock market winners can guide you to tomorrow’s leaders.[/li][li]Always do a post-analysis of your stock market trades so that you can learn from your successes and mistakes.[/li][li]A combination of fundamental and technical investment styles is essential to picking winning stocks.[/li][li]Fundamental analysis looks at a company’s earnings, earnings growth, sales, profit margins, and return on equity among other things. It helps narrow down your choices so that you are only dealing with quality stocks.[/li][li]Technical analysis involves learning to read a stock’s price and volume chart and timing your decisions properly.[/li][li]To make big money, you have got to buy the very best companies at the right time.[/li][li]Strong sales and earnings are amongst the most important characteristics of winning stocks.[/li][li]Buying a stock as it is coming out of a price consolidation area or base is crucial to making large gains.[/li][li]Always pick stocks from the leading industry groups or sectors. The majority of past market leaders were in the top industry groups and sectors.[/li][/ol]

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Happy to see a discussion on stocks here.
Don’t agree with point9 though.