Stoicism and Trading

That will be $250 thank you very much. Lol.

Man so much respect. People these days don’t even want to work just one job. :confused:

The main reason why I want to stop depending on coffee is the effect of it on my quality of sleep. I used to drink not just coffee but black tea in the afternoon and I was just tired every single day. I was “wired” during work hours but only because I had caffeine which then by night time I couldn’t get to sleep… so then during the day I’ll drink more caffeine… and on and on…

Right now I think the 16oz is fine for me but I did notice that if I do just 8oz I sleep way way better at night. BUT I can’t handle the sleepiness that the afternoon brings. Anyway, a minor problem for sure but I do like asking others who have solved this problem how they went about it :))

Some good quotes from the book:

“What I will teach you is the ability to become rich as speedily as possible. How excited you are to hear the news! And rightly so; I will lead you by a shortcut to the greatest wealth. . . . My dear Lucilius, not wanting something is just as good as having it. The important thing either way is the same – freedom from worry.”

“Don’t imagine having things that you don’t have. Rather, pick the best of the things that you do have and think of how much you would want them if you didn’t have them. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 7.27”

“Men are disturbed not by the things that happen but by their opinions about those things.”

So many good parts but unfortunately I read this as an audible so I may go in and buy the kindle version so I can highlight them as bookmarks. :slight_smile:

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