Straightforward Price Action Trading

Apologies to all for not posting on Friday, work got in the way. It was quite fortunate I didn’t post as the market continues to move contrary to my expectations. The EUR continued to show strength, the NZD whipsawed wildly, the USD continued to lose pace across the board, and only the GBP behaved as expected bouncing off the 1.68 level. There was really no surprising news on Friday, UoM Confidence surprised and EUR inflation was low and in-line with expectations.

Next week we have:
Monday - USD Advance Retail Sales, CNY Foreign Direct Investment
Tuesday - RBA minutes, JPY Machine Tool orders, GBP CPI, EUR German ZEW Survey, USD CPI, NZD CPI
Wednesday - CNY GDP & IP, GBP Unemployment, EUR CPI, USD Housing Starts, CAD Rate Decision, Yellen Speech
Thursday - Kuroda Speech, JPY Consumer Confidnce, CAD CPI, USD Intial Jobless Claims
Friday - Nothing.

USD: The USD’s weakness has continued to confound traders. Fed rhetoric has been very dovish and it is clear that the market does not expect the Fed to meet the timetable for rate hikes currently set. If 5yr USTs were to sell-off a bit then we might get some interest in a higher USD but so far USTs have been pretty well bid limiting capital flows into the U.S. Of course, the USDJPY has also been a disaster and has sold off hard with the U.S. stock market.

The news flow is heaviest this week for the USD which makes me quite hopeful that we will see USD buying. I am long USDJPY with a tight stop and have bought some more at this level due to support around the 101 level. The U.S. stock market really appears to be in the driving seat here and I really have no idea what could happen. More broadly, I am not inclined to take up long positions in the USD. EURUSD looks like a great long-term short but the timing is clearly wrong, same with AUD/CAD. I am short GBPUSD but this is more on the strength of the 1.68 level.

EUR: The EUR rose strongly against the USD last week, this was unexpected as news had been quite light for the week and I expected this to weigh on the currency. Rising on no news shows that there is some serious buying action behind the EUR. Despite the strong rise in the AUD last week, the AUD couldn’t gain much against the EUR. The NZD had trouble against the EUR too, although the huge swing on Friday suggests that there is some selling pressure still there. The EUR was also strong against the GBP in the latter part of the week, although less than the USD.

There isn’t a whole lot of news coming up next week but Draghi is clearly pushing much harder now for a weaker EUR, in a speech on the sidelines of G20-IMF, and seems to now be explicitly targeting a lower EUR. The response of the market to this rhetoric so far has been indifference. It is hard to see why anything should change now. I am growing cautious about the EURAUD short here. I am going to keep it on but we should have really got a bit more momentum up last week. I think that long-term short EURUSD is the place to be but the timing is clearly not right for this trade.

GBP: The GBP fell away as expected from the 1.68 level after rallying hard through the week. The IP numbers released last week were stronger than expected and it still looks like the BOE will hike ahead of the Fed. The BOE has also been far more aggressive in its rhetoric recently so this move higher is certainly justified.

I am picking off the 1.68 level because it is just such a good level but I have far less conviction about this trade given the past few weeks of trading. If you want to be long the USD, you should be short something else. However, this is a good level and I am in with a tight stop. There is a bit of news this week but it is really unlikely to change the equation in any way. USD longs are really just waiting for Yellen to say something that matches up with the current timetable for rate hikes. I am not really watching any other GBP crosses too closely but the move back up into the trading range in GBPCAD looks interesting.

AUD: The AUD continued to move strongly against the USD and CAD last week but stalled against everything else. I expected broader strength from the AUD after some strong employment numbers but we didn’t really get it.

AUD minutes are, most likely, going to be as expected so it is unlikely that news out of AUD will drive price. However, the move higher against the USD raises the prospect of some more rhetoric from the RBA. As mentioned extensively before, I am not too sure about the AUD over the long-term and I think the RBA is likely to try and talk the currency down as the economy moves away from mining. I think that EURAUD isn’t a bad short to have even if you aren’t bullish on the AUD. When the AUD does fall away, flows will, most likely, go into the USD. I think that the question should be: how do you think about the JPY then? If the AUD did go down, USDJPY might trade in a range (JPY is a safe-haven currency). Either way, I think the EURAUD is still a nice position to have.

CAD: The CAD fell against the USD convincingly this week, closing above the 1.09 resistance level. Obviously, this is a bit frustrating but it was a huge swing through the week which wasn’t really tradable. The rally seems to have been driven by the Fed Minutes, I am not really too sure why as there wasn’t really anything that unexpected. Rather, I suspect that the rally was more driven by people closing out shorts after the squeeze.

CAD CPI is out on Thursday which should drive some movement but this is a pretty light week all-in-all. I think that we will get some more USD buying. Unlike the EUR or AUD which both seem to rise on no news, the CAD is clearly struggling to keep up this pace. This is quite understandable as the CAD economy is really not that strong and won’t raise rates ahead of the Fed. I don’t really have any position on this though and I am just going to keep clear.

JPY: I am long USDJPY and have bought some more on the strength of the 101 level. The U.S. stock market continues to drive this cross and I really have no idea what the JPY might do. There is some interesting news later in the week, consumer confidence will be very interesting as we see the effects of the consumption tax start to work through the economy.

Longer-term I still want to be long USDJPY. The US economy is strengthening and the JPY recovery looks very shaky, clearly capital flows are moving in the other direction and I think that, if I want to be short AUD later, this could prove to be a problem later. At this stage though, I am happy to just to play this level and see what happens.

NZD: I am still short the EURNZD, this is a technical trade more than anything else and I think you need to watch what is happening in the NZDUSD to take this on. The NZD is clearly having some trouble breaking higher but shouldn’t be trading any lower either. It is just about waiting for the trigger to get some momentum going.

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Again, work got in the way so sorry readers. Enough time has now elapsed for us to begin tracking the actual performance achieved to date. I wasn’t recording right from the start, although I have the records of my trading account, as I was too busy building the website to follow the exact timing of when I posted and when I said I made decisions. However, I am now keeping an accurate record based (roughly) upon the prices from when I actually post.

A big warning is warranted here: I am going to be recording the return on capital invested, not the movements in price. The reason for this is that risk management is a huge part of trading. Just looking at returns is sort of useful but doesn’t really indicate whether someone is making any money. Everyone decides how they feel about a position and how much risk to take. Even if I show a loss, someone else could show a profit from the same set of trades. You wouldn’t guess it from reading most online journals but managing risk is as important as the positions you take.
With all that out the way, we are currently down 24bps after two weeks of trading with 67bps of realized loss and 43bps of unrealized gain. The loss is unsurprising, I have been wrong consistently and only one trade has actually worked. I am pretty happy therefore that I have only lost just over 1 unit of risk (I trade around 0.2% per trade, at the moment). I have 4 positions open currently: GBPUSD, EURAUD, EURNZD, and USDJPY. I think that whilst I continue to get stuff wrong it is wise to keep risk down to this level. I am happy with the last three positions, I plan to hold these for a long time (in forex market terms). I am less happy with the GBPUSD but like the level so will hold until 1.66.
The big news today was that GBP CPI came in line. The latest fear seems to that currency strength is driving below-target inflation. I was quite surprised as this number suggests that the economy is coping with the GBP at this level. The GBP was big up strongly on the news, I am happy to keep holding but with unemployment tomorrow we could get another big move the wrong way. However, I still think a break of the 1.68 level is unlikely.

The USD CPI was stronger than expected which has led to a bit of rally in the USD, although not against the JPY unfortunately. Advance retail sales on Monday were also quite strong. USDCAD continues to move higher and AUDUSD dropped off highs. EURUSD dropped down to test resistance at the 1.38 level. This is all more than justified in my view and I am surprised the GBP didn’t fall more. I am not ready to start putting back on USD longs though.

The EUR gapped down strongly after Draghi’s comments, mentioned in the last post, but has risen a bit against the NZD and AUD. RBA minutes were as expected, there was no mention of the AUD strength but ZEW was better than expected. I really don’t understand this move but there you go. NZD CPI later today should be important.

No Chart of the Day.

every day i login Babypips to look for your trade.


Unfortunately yesterday’s suggestion on the GBP proved accurate and we saw a big move back up to 1.68 on a rather nice set of unemployment numbers. A lot tends to be made of individual data points but this one really does look important.

After the drop in the GBP earlier this week, a strong rally was inevitable as bears (me, for example) got caught out. Thanks to my careful selection of the level we are still in profit but this really isn’t looking good at all. Seeing this rapid turnaround and even the strong buying before jobless claims does make me think that this trade will turn out to be a loser.

I sometimes move up my stop in these cases but there is really nowhere to move it too as we haven’t moved down far enough. The only thing that we can really do is wait and see what happens. The 1.68 level looks to be holding so we just wait it out.

Another big surprise was in the CAD. Rates stayed at the same level but we have another central bank official commenting on the strength of their home currency. Last weekend policy-makers referred to emerging markets when talking about lack of cooperation, at the G20/IMF meeting. The number of developed market central bank officials talking about the strength of their currency suggests that the problem is far more widespread.

As I have said many times before, the CAD has been too strong these past few weeks. I am not surprised it is selling off now and I am regretting not getting a piece of the action. I don’t think the rhetoric was too severe either, which really suggests that this is going to continue to move back against the USD over the next few days. I could have tried the 1.095 level but I really was wary after my previous failure in this cross.

Finally, the NZD CPI came in a bit below expectations. I am not really going to comment on this as I have no idea what I am talking about. We haven’t broken significant levels and I see no reason to take this trade off. The position is half size so I may actually put some more on if I can find a level. Trading has been very volatile so I probably won’t find one.

The EUR has been volatile all day and I still don’t fancy a crack at the USD cross. I think my source on ZEW was wrong yesterday. The numbers actually came out below expectations so this EUR strength is really puzzling. Draghi must be pulling his hair out as the market doesn’t seem to care what he says. Long-term I think he is spot on but there is just no way that he is going to be able to move the markets with U.S. treasury yields where they are.
My position in EURAUD continues to bounce about in a fairly unconvincing way. It looks like we are heading back towards the lows again, this will be quite important as we failed to break through on our last visit. Another fail would be really bad news. I don’t really expect it to challenge this level seriously without any big news out the rest of this week though.

Finally, the JPY has come off a bit as we got a bit of a bounce in stock markets. Like the EURAUD, I am trying to take the long view here despite the market clearly wanting to go the other way in the short run. I am showing a decent profit overall now but I am just going to keep sticking this position out. There has been some speeches and some data is out later so I think we could get a bit more USD movement into the end of the week.

Chart of the Day: Just because it looks treacherous, the EURUSD H4

Thanks for all the responses guys. I would say more about where you can actually read more about this way of trading but I have already been told off so I won’t. I have a thread over at FF too.

Markets have continued to slow down as we go into Friday. I don’t think we will get much movement tomorrow so this is going to be the last post of the week.

The GBP spiked above the 1.68 level and I got stopped out of my short. Price has dropped back down so the stop was clearly far too close. The lack of news, a quiet Friday, and the lack of momentum in the GBP means that someone was running stops above the 1.682 level. I got caught and I really shouldn’t have. My risk management failed badly this time.

However, although I probably took a 15bps bigger loss than I should have, I wasn’t keen on this position and am not that sorry to see it go. My thesis about the GBP has not been invalidated, it is seriously in question though and it isn’t worth taking any more shots.

The EUR has continued to move down, German economic data was pretty weak but I think we are just seeing the effect of ECB rhetoric and capital flows causing a lot of volatility. EUR is definitely something we want to be short long-term but I have been short against the AUD and NZD, two of the weakest currencies this week.

The EURUSD is probably a better short over the long-term but I am starting to really doubt that this Fed is really keen to push things hard. The Fed is more likely to wait too long to hike then go too soon. A better way to play the Fed Is with USDJPY, the JPY is weaker right now and we can hold this right now rather than waiting for everything to play out. The EURNZD is a good choice for the same reason. However, we need to really think about what the catalyst for the USD is going to be.

The CAD could be another good candidate for a short, the BOC is clearly very dovish, but I think it is a hard currency to trade. The rally a few weeks ago was really tough. CPI came out higher than expected today too, that we didn’t get much strength really shows how quickly sentiment can change in this cross and how hard it can be to trade. A bit like EURUSD.

The slide in the AUD has been pretty interesting too. A bit of data came out overnight, it was pretty weak and the AUD, eventually, came off as a result. However, I think that the strength shown the past few weeks on very little news, and the lack of rhetoric from the RBA, strongly suggests that this is just a lull and the currency will be well supported next week. I am happy to hold my EURAUD position as a result and I think we could get a big move next week.

Finally, the NZD has really dropped hard. We are at make or break time against the EUR so I am selling some more. I think we have moved a bit far and whilst stops are probably going to get run (this happens a lot in this cross), this should be a really nice position for a while.

Chart of the Day: EURNZD H4

Unfortunately, my comp will be down for a few weeks so no more updates. I will be back and anyone who has my e-mail should just contact me through there.