In my opinion, there’s all the difference in the world.
With apologies for sounding so outspoken about it (which I know I sometimes do :8: ), studying and trading on the basis of “price action” is one of many entirely sensible options, and there are plenty of people making their livings by doing so - some of them in this forum.
Elliott Wave, on the other hand, I regard as fictional stuff. I’ve never seen anything other than anecdotal, cherry-picked evidence in its favour, and have read some independent, objective, academic papers pointing to the same conclusion, too. My perspective is that there probably isn’t a single chart in the world that an Elliott Wave enthusiast can’t somehow fit in with his existing preconceptions, especially by the time you allow for “extensions”, “alterations”, “truncations” and the interpretation of all of the things that Elliott adherents have gradually had to invent and introduce to answer objections concerning their perceptions. To me, newspaper horoscopes and homeopathic medicine seem positively rational and scientific, compared with Elliott Wave theory. Of course some people disagree with me about that, just as millions doubtless do about homeopathy and newspaper horoscopes.
Personally, I would [I][U]not[/U][/I] want a friend, relative or anyone to whom I felt supportive choosing as a “mentor” someone who advocates Elliott wave theory. I would instead urge them not to set off in completely the wrong direction.
And welcome to the forum.