Studying styles

Just starting out, have completed the first lesson and it’s a bit overwhelming but I kind of like it…does anyone have any thoughts on how to study the material…any advice at all is appreciated…:v:

Welcome to the forums @toddo75! Glad you’re out here posting about your forex education journey. It helps a lot to talk about what you’ve learned and also search for topics here that may be related to subjects you’re still confused about.

Have you also tried taking the quizzes? It’s a good tool to check if you’ve retained what you’re learning!

Adding the link here just in case:

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Thank you @Ananais:v:

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Here is how I personally studied the Babypips course (and aced it :laughing:) I read through the entire course the first time, just to get an idea of what I was getting myself into. Towards the end of the course, it started to sink in and gave me an idea of how I would like to approach the market. With that idea, I revised the course for the second time, making notes of the information that I felt would contribute to building my idea into a solid system.
I then revisited the sections I took note of and built my trading plan out of that. It took me some time to build it, but was worth every second. Trust me, I still visit some sections of the course on regular basis and it kinda provides therapy especially during periods of huge drawdowns.


So awesome @forextt…thank you…that’s exactly the type of answers I was looking for…much appreciated…:v:

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This is the best freely available material you can find. Go through it and when you are finished with it, go through it once again.

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I’m not familiar with the course or its structure, which I have heard on the forum is all very well put together.

However, when learning anything I would always start off with a little research to allow the drafting of my own learning plan.

I have to say the way I learned subjects at school and college had to be totally re-thought when I got into a small but growing company. We didn’t have time to learn as mush as we just had to decide the outcomes we wanted and then do just enough research on how to reach each of these. The planning was much more key to success than the amount or even depth of learning. Much better to be searching for practicable urgent solutions to essential problems than to be expert authorities on minor issues.

As an example, when you get hold of a text-book, never start at page 1 and read and read and read until the last page.

I still choke under pressure during those drawdowns. I’m working on it though.

It’s really difficult.

That’s why I’m glad I studied babypips. I completed it, and still refer to it sometimes.
But, it makes more sense when you actually start trading.