Sue Lyft for deactivation?

Yes but shouldn’t it be a percentage game - not a one-way street?

well, honestly, it’s not quite as simple as that! :wink:

under the terms of the Gaming Acts (under whose terms they are granted their licences) they are in some senses considered a public service, and they have to prove that there’s a public need/demand for the type of gaming they’re offering, to get a licence … and there really are some “public service obligations” implied by that

the court cases, over the decades, in which (disgruntled) members of the public have (occasionally successfully!) objected to licence renewals have mostly hinged on the question of whether “banning people just for winning” is a breach of their public service obligation

the big question is whether they owe a duty of providing gaming facilities to members of the public who can win against them

it’s a complicated (and very interesting) legal subject, with a lot of conflicting case-law!


Hi, I liked your story!! Can you tell me who the lawyer is? I am having a same issue like you. I am trying to take a legal action like you.

I’m just a statistc putting my 2 cents in as it relates to deactivation.

54 years old, white, and I never cared about a persons races, religeon, age 54, 5 star, 99% acceptance, 150+ badge things. They paid for a ride, they get a ride–preferably one where we are both happy, or at least making the day less bad.

One day maybe a year ago they suspended me without reason, I asked what happened, then they deactivated me. I’m certain someone made something up, or was insanely sensitive about something. I just have no clue what exactly this was about. Never yelling, arguing, threatening, no violence, drugs, etc… I did make a comment about something outside the vehicle, but unacceptable things outside the vehicle have nothing to do with the rider, or shouldn’t. Barely 1,300 or so rides and it ended abruptly without reason.

This feels a lot like I was targeted. And as there was no one to talk to, it can’t be understood. There is no way for me to address this other than posting here.

Note: my dashcam was useless in this case, without a specific time, and date there’s nothing to reference. Although I sudpect there is nothing to reference. At least nothing worthy of deactivation.

Odd there’s rarely if any penalty for false accusations.

Thank you for your information. I’m willing to sue Lyft as well, but can you share with me what the processing you take? And if you take a lawyer, can you share it with me if you don’t mind?