Supply & Demand Trading System

oh iam not much into soccer …except world cup or european championship
but theres nothing against a good match with a good beer in my hand :wink:

2 Options

  1. Supply zone on H4 marked as H4

  2. Supply zone on D1 marked as D

Supply zone

Entered the trade based on the Double Top but my SL got taken out and only then the market started moving downwards. Even if I would have had my SL 2-3 pips higher, I would have hit my TP now.

But atleast I know what we are doing here works, just need some tweaks to the strategy to distinguish between good trades and bad trades.

Had a pending order set at 116.00. Missed it by 8 pips and then went on to hit my TP.

Good strategy but bad execution.

Yes thats the thing…we need to seperate the good from the bad ones…but we are on the right track :wink:
its all about experience

my Aud jpy is also triggered … at the moment round about +60 pips… i had my sl at 86,60 …
eur jpy also running with +80 pips

Is this topic dead? because it looks to me like a very interesting system, and I was excited to learn it and discuss it with people who trade it

nop we are alive …why everybody thinks the thread is dead? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
just make yourself familiar with the “rules” from the past pages ( there are different links with good content)
and feel free to ask what you need to know …

Aud jpy stoped me out with a +160 pip profit
eur jpy also stoped me out with + 150 pips profit

and i went short on this nzd jpy trade…
not a confirmed zone as you can see on r2´s post 2 pages ago…
but i have also shorted the eur jpy and aud jpy so i was looking for more jpy opportunitys and found this nice trade …low risk trade just to see if i can take some other jpy pair in the same direction
at the moment +203 pips :wink:

NZd Jpy 4 h

unfortunately order was not filled… and i missed to take this baby manualy…arghhh
gbp Jpy 1d— missed nearly 400 pips

Damn Trueman! You seem to be having a great week!

Even if the trade didn’t get filled, atleast the trade confirmed with your direction. That’s a +1 for the system.

Took 2 more SHORTS on EURNZD and AUDNZD from their respective supply zones. Can’t post pictures right now but both are on their way down.

Maryo just posted the exact same EURNZD trade that I have mentioned above. Trueman, we are getting there gradually.

yes same trade at maryos thread as in your posts :slight_smile: … great …big smile in my face…excellent way of trading and we become better and better :slight_smile:
whish you the best for the booth nzd trades

and yes it is a great week :wink:
…today is fed meeting so everybody watch out …


Did you experiment with the harmonic pattern indicator Maryo has posted last month ? any progress on that ?

I haven’t been able to get to it yet.

not realy just checked it shortly…but its a repainting indicator… if you know your zone and indicator starts to draw a pattern into that zone ( point D had to be in the zone) it could be a confirmation …but we need some time to work that out

OK. I havent used it yet, but will update with some progress hopefully by end of this week. If you can share some screenshots with your charts and harmonic indicator that would be a good learning for me too. But please take your time, no hurry.

I will post some pics this evening…

What about your nzd trades? :wink:
Nice one or?