Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

lol I saw how G/U and E/U were trending nicely when I came on. I toyed with the idea of chasing, maybe on a NS. But one thing I learned is to not force it.

There were some lovely ones on the 5 and 15, but I gotta respect that.

I couldn’t trade either. Ilwill try to contribute to this thread as soon as possible. I wish i had more free time to read all this thread.

Again, thanks for the video, it helps a lot.

I see a potential setup on the Euro.

I’ve highlighted the recent climatic volumes from the 1HR, each at a point of demand.

This is the 15 minute chart and I’ve highlighted the most recent are of climatic volume, which was yesterday at a point where demand was heavy. I’m expecting price to fall into that area and if demand picks up, I would look to go long. I’ll keep updating.

hi, ive been reading the previous thread and keeping an eye on this one, ive been trading VSA on demo and am around BE after a few trades and still trying to get my head around it, i think im starting to understand it more comprehensively but just wanted to post a chart to see if my analysis is right or if i need to go back to the drawing board

so heres the chart its GBPUSD

as far as i can see we had accumulation at the previous significant swing low on the left shown by more volume coming in at the lows, then we had the markup phase shown by the big jump in price, the pair is now in reaccumulation shown by higher volume at the lows and less volume from the highs.

so now i should be looking for longs around the red horizontal line

i could enter a trade on a high volume bullish pin bar, or a large bearish candle with high volume followed by a bullish candle with an inside closed followed by a no supply

is that even close to how i should be thinking?

many thanks

I’m no Pete, but I think that lines up with my Euro setup as well. Looking for price to fall into an area where demand should appear, then take a long on a NS. Sounds good. I also have the G/U on my scopes of a potential trade.
As I type, price is approaching that area of demand now. Good Luck on your trade if you take it.

Wookie, I fully agree on your analysis.
Both Euro and GBP are still in reaccumulation phase and I’m looking for potential trades today.

Trading Breakouts are difficult. Just putting that out there. Missed a big opportunity on the Yen crosses wrongly looking for double/triple top and short but that failed. Learning the hard way but learning nonetheless.

I saw a lot of supply in the background so I figured price had to fall due to the imbalance. You can see the increases in volume at the resistance areas. As price approached the same area, volume spiked on the 5 Min where I was looking for an entry and I assumed that spike was more supply. But in hindsight, it wasn’t much of a spike in the 1HR which caused price to breakthrough the resistance. A proper VSA trade would of profited so I’m not too discouraged.

wel that escalated quickly, i took the long on gbpusd on the 15 minute pin that i highland, there was a volume spike on it and it was around the level i previously highlighted, only wish i had opened 2 positions instead of 1 lol

You took the G/U trade? It’s doing extremely well, I luckily got in early. Spot on analysis

yep posted the chart above, im still demoing vsa but it seems very promising, i generally trade PA and harmonics but this seems like an extremely powerful tool to have in ur arsenal

Interesting situation on USDJPY H1: the recent mark-down phase ended without a stopping volume, which makes me think it’s going to continue.
I would identify this phase as redistribution, and today looks like supply is coming in, right at the .500/.618 FIB area (wide spread bar with high volume followed by bearish reaction).
At the moment price is approaching the FIB area again, let’s see if supply shows again. In this case, I’m going to look for shorts.

how about this, USDCHF

looks like accumulation and now the big spike with the large wick

edit: sorry i meant usdcad

My previous analysis on USDJPY was spot on. We had a new test of the FIB area and also a fake breakout, also thanks to data release in US:

Scaling down to M5, I see there was a good ND setup when price settled right after news, but I wasn’t here to take advantage:

Decided not to take a trade today. The Up move I expected on /usd pairs played out and I cashed in. Now, conflicting signs up high and wild PA. Bernanke testifying now and a big day for Canada releases. For someone that likes safety and repetition this is not a day to trade. I actually did see a proper e/j short that would have been quick profit but passed.

…will catch up on new posts later.

Yeah I was hoping to continue trading but were approaching 16 GMT where volume slows down. We all really profited today so I’ll call it day personally. The future is looking Bright thanks to VSA.

Good stuff guys. Not much to say besides keep learning and gaining experience.

Yeah, this morning was my 2nd time trading thru the London session. I must say, knowing when stopping volume is actually stopping volume is still new to me. I notice a 5 minute pin for example on high volume, but price continues lower for maybe 10-15 more minutes. Looking for the NS/ND will keep me out of prematurely picking tops/bottom on those pins. Discipline Discipline Discipline.

I have a feeling I shouldn’t do this but I’m practicing placing trades for the London session, as I can’t trade it. Since it’ll be a set and forget, I’ll set my risk around 1%. Now to the setup.

The highest volume of the week so far appeared at 1.5163 on the G/U, showing strength/demand. The background also shows strength dating all the way back to last week, as we have been building high lows and higher highs. I placed a fib as well from the swing low to high, and just below the most recent area of strength is the .50 fib which reinforces my plan to catch the next wave up. To help manage risk I placed my long entry deep into the support area. If I don’t get triggered, it’s absolutely fine. I’m not even sure if VSA allows for set and forget trades to be honest.