Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Thank me later. :13:

Hi Pete,

I have been reading through this thread and the previous thread about this strategy. I have also been watching videos on your youtube channel. My question to you is: what is the best way to learn this method? Would the youtube channel be the best way? I feel as though it would be a bit unnecessary to read through the thousands and thousands of forum posts in this thread and the previous one.

Thanks in advance.

Also, congratulations on the continuation of your win streak!

videos then time with charts lots and lots of time with charts and pete has a website that would probably shorten ur learning curve quite a bit

I see. Thank you for the reply. I figure that it is also helpful to stay current with this thread in order to see trade setups develop.

most people donā€™t post trades setups as they develop, they usually post after they are already in them for profit, i used to post setups that I saw coming, but not anymore, i was toying with the idea of having a chat room here on babypips for vsa durring the US market, but I got kids and dont know if it would be well attended, pete has a trading room you can join of a reasonable fee

just caught that gu short to the 50 :24:

Hey Pete. When is this going to end? When are these great setups going to stop being presented to us?
I feel like itā€™s too good to be true.

Thanks again for your feedback, Bill

Iā€™ll keep you posted if there are any updates regarding the volume indicators we discussed. :57:

Also, just to clarify, we do offer New York Close charts:

Haha, I know the feeling. No worries. Coming from the rare low volatility we had earlier this year, it seems like such an extreme change, but really things are just back to normal. Weā€™ll take a loss here and there, eventually, but I donā€™t see things changing anytime soon. :slight_smile:

Morning guys & girls,

These two AJ entries I took yesterday are probably in Peteā€™s video above, but with the points marked out. Iā€™ve probably said ā€œthe holy grailā€ doesnā€™t exist, but it does, itā€™s this :slight_smile: I can vouch that studying Peteā€™s whole thread and youtube vids, Iā€™m picking these beauties out :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s the AJ hourly from yesterday, a couple of S&R levels marked out, and Peteā€™s use of the fib tool 50/61.8 shows a key technical level in a pullback.

Hereā€™s the 5m timeframe, keeping in mind that you keep your eye on the hourly. Initially Iā€™m looking for a retrace in this downtrend, to the fib zone. And a nice SoW or Buying Climax (I got this on the 5m chart, itā€™s only small, but the R:R on this trade is worth taking more of a risk on the entry.

Study the wyckoff entry patterns, eat them, breathe them, theyā€™re how this stuff works. Another tip of the cap to Pete here.

The short and long entries are exactly the same, SoS/Wā€¦ Automatic Rally/Support, No Demand/No Supplyā€¦ enter.

Trade 1 (short) my SL is above the trading range as itā€™s a small range, trade 2 (long) my SL is below the automatic rally. For me the rally printed too high to have my SL below the SoS. This provided a nice R:R also.

Thanks guy, you chart is very clear.

Hey CB,

I think you posted earlier about the best way to learn? The forum here is good, but doesnā€™t get clogged up in the middle parts.

Iā€™d head to Peteā€™s youtube channel, and have an empty notebook ready :slight_smile: Watch all of the videos in date order (first to last), take heaps of notes, watch them again, tidy up/condense your notes etcā€¦ I found there werenā€™t any secrets, all quite rules based :slight_smile:

Best of luck, JN

Hi, I am curious to hear what you think of FXDD Malta in terms of volume feed quality. I just went back and compared the volumes from the FXDD Malta MT4 with the chart that Jalapenoninja posted on page 509. The volumes are certainly strongly correlated, but there are some noticable differences.

Yeah, well Iā€™m not sure what exactly Jalapeno is trading off of. Pete already mentioned that many of the MT4 charts are similar enough to be able to trade profitably. Iā€™m positive on the week with Malta so I donā€™t see any issues. I would say the worst thing to look out for is the extremes in volume. Some high volume bars might make the rest of the volume bars look extremely small, possibly skewing your analysis. Outside of that, make some trades and if you see conflicting signals from volume, post them. We should be able to tell you whether it was your understanding of vsa or simply the charts. In which case, Iā€™ll leave Malta with you lol.

Isnā€™t FXDD just an IB through FXCM?

Damn, I love the pound :10:

hey guys what do you think about LMAX volume?
a friend of mine told me that it have a pretty good volume feed and tick feed
and I do think so myself
here is the demo server
you can open demo account from mt4 instantly

Hey guys! Iā€™ve been lurking in this thread for a while now, but I still have a little more reading and a few more of Peteā€™s vids to watch yet before I feel comfortable with it. I have been trading for a few years, with limited success, but I have high hopes for VSA. It is the most promising thing I have seen in spot forex!

One question for you guys. Do you think there is any benefit in comparing volume levels after an economic press release, with the volume from previous months or previous years print for the same same release? For example, comparing the volume after the US NFP release for September 2014, with the volume on the September 2013, or the July or August 2014 release for US NFP.

I know that VSA is all about looking left to see what volume is telling you, and I guess Iā€™m wondering if looking all the way left to compare volume from older press releases is a good idea.

The more info you can fit in your head the better, but i really donā€™t see any use going that far back if your trading the 1hr, unless price is revisiting that area for the first time since that release. If your talking about a NFP in august of 08 when price was at 1.5000 and today price is at 1.2050, its useless information. But if price is making new highs like the yen for example it might be a good idea to find some levels from 07/08.

I agree with Society as it might be overkill comparing volume levels, when from any one day to the next, thereā€™s always a different assortment of market participants. And how those two separate assortments subsequently move the markets, I feel, are independent of one another. You always here there will never be two moments in the markets that are exactly the same, just similar. But I will say this, if you continue to look into that and find interesting data, let me know.