Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Is this dedicated to maybe… AJ?

LOL sure…and the whole Month of September. :13:

Hi Pete
Loving your work dude.
Is this a valid N.S.
Still trying to get my head round this.
Cheers Mate :slight_smile:

Hello from London, which part are you from WestPest. I’m based in Hounslow West.

The No Supply you pointed to at the bottom is more importantly a very strong pin-bar reversal signal. Next to that is a bearish candle with even less volume than the previous 2 and thats a No Supply. The bullish candle after that with increased volume is a great entry point to go Long.

Hi Pete, I followed your thread 2 years ago, I struggled to get my head around it and continued with some retarded strategy which was fantastic in its ability to blow my small sized real account. So I gave up forex.

I work from home and recently decided I can fit demo trading in with my work and after giving your VSA another go I found it just clicked. So thanks for your efforts, although its not the most defined of strategies (maybe methodology is a better word) its by far the most intuitive and logical I have come across.

Is it possible to trade with you ? Do you still do that ?

I would love to see how you start your day, set up charts and begin looking for trades. What you look for and how you manage and exit a trades. I know most of this info is around in bits but watching it live would be far more educational.


Here we go:)…

Hello Jaggedlines,

I have just recently moved to East Sussex.
Thanks for the help. Noticed the pin-bar down there.
Was at the bottom of a really nice pullback.
The whole VSA style is new to me in some ways but i recognize the areas patterns and waves from Price action trading.
Have been going through all the Youtube Videos Pete has made and its starting to click.
Keep up the good work and good luck.

Im part of Pete’s webinar group and if your serious about learning to trade then i highly recommend it. For more information go here MYFXSOURCE.COM - FX Trading

Hope this helps

I’m in the same place as you. Still learning and loving this method. I think Pete fader has put forward a method that’s less “quick n easy” more “do your homework and earn your pips” which is exactly what I’m going to do. New t 6 months is dedicated to demo trading this. I’m happy to say I had my first winning week with a plus 17%. So clearly Pete and VSA is on to something.

Thanks Bilko, I appreciate the tip, I am serious but not in a place I can commit to paying. Is it a paid forum ? If so then that’s perfectly fine but I need to hold out a bit. A recent Stagg do in Barcelona just wiped my funds clean.

Now worries. You have to do whats best for you.
I will say though, learning to trade is a damn hard business and finding a place to get real usable techniques and support is almost non-existent in the FX trading world at any price… much less at a super reasonable fee like what Pete uses. That being said if funds are too tight to allow it then one can go to his Youtube channel here Watch Me Trade Live, Real Time Analysis Explaining My Method and also read through this thread from the beginning and then implement that on a demo account. Its all there for the taking if one is willing to put in the time an effort to go get it.

These pdf’s are a helluva starting point for someone interested in learning what Volume and Price Action Analysis is all about…

This PDF is by the founder of VSA Tom Williams
Dropbox - Error

Also this PDF is by the God father of Volume analysis Richard Wykcoff

This one is little more beginner material but also very good


Hope this helps

Thanks for all the helpful info, I’ve seen most the videos, a real goldmine I must say. I’ll get stuck into the pdfs.

Are you successfully trading with Pete’s method ? And how long for ?

The main thing I need to do at some point is put this down in a defined strategy. As i still find myself overtrading since I have few rules to limit me. Most strategies will allow one to only take a trade when certain criterias are met, this is crucial for me. Less is way more when it comes to trading. Have you put together any set rules to limit you to only taking the high probability trades ?

Hey Billko, just looked into it and the trading forum is way way cheaper than I expected. Definitely affordable.ill get on it soon.

Its why this thread gets such little attention, not many willing to put in the effort.:13:

Yes i am trading Pete’s method successfully and i found his videos around the first of 2014. I still bounced around some from different volume based strategy’s and have found his to be the simplest and most consistent. How well i do with the system is really irrelevant though because the best system in the world does not make one a profitable trader… being consistent, passionate, and hard working is what makes a profitable trader. Heck, for that matter a great trader could flip a coin and take a trade in that given direction and be profitable solely on his trade management abilities. So really what we want to find is a strategy that gives us an undeniable edge and can be repeated… over and over and over again. Petes way of trading does that. The rest is up to the trader to make it work for them.
I will say though that if your looking for a black and white X+Y=Z type of trading strategy then this may not be for you. Its a dirt simple way of trading but that doesnt mean its easy. Every trade is going to be based on your ability to be objective and using your own discretion to decide what trades are high probability and which ones should be passed. Only hard work and dedication will give you that experience. Your not following some ema crossover buy/sell junk… your learning to read price action and volume. Your learning to be fully self sufficient and take responsibility for your success’s and your failure’s.
Im not tying to convince anyone of anything but if what is being shown in this thread seems to strike a chord somewhere in your trading psyche then i suggest giving it a little closer look. If its not for you then no harm no foul. Ive spent thousands of dollars on trading education and the vast majority of it was complete rubbish! (that ones for jalapenoninja lol)

Hi Jagged :slight_smile:

A little bit different to Bill’s recommendation, I think the youtube videos of Pete’s are #1. The webinars are good, but if there isn’t any market action, Pete can’t pull a rabbit out of a head (no one can!). For me, I studied this forum and all the youtube videos (filled a couple of notebooks of notes!) then slowly condensed them into a guide.

So there are rules but you’ve got to weed them out. Then the webinars are helpful, to clear up any uncertainty you have you can ask Pete directly in “live” market action. If you jump straight into the webinar, it’d be like sitting at the poker table without a clue.

Cheers & all the best,


Uptrend expected.
SM has been buying into downtrend.
Pete vid: A PLOT TWIST!!! Following the Smart Money.
(Part 2) A PLOT TWIST!!! Following the Smart Money.

Thanks, makes sense. Its definitely the right thing for me, mostly due to Wykoff but also Pete, who makes it all seem more accessible and relevant to us Forex traders.

I do feel however that some rules and limitations must be put forward, this isn’t entry signals but I’m sure through experience of trading this method one can find certain things that are best avoided and certain things that work better. Here’s one I use for example:

[B]Only take trades that you can get an early entry and can see plenty of space for the price to move before it gets to the next S/R “00 or 50” or 50 - 61.8[/B]

One rule put forward by Pete that I use:
[B]Don’t trade after 4pm gmt[/B]

I find rules and limitations help my discipline and speed in choosing any trade. So I’ll develop this overtime through experience but always looking to see if anyone else has any that helps them.

Thanks for the tip Jalapenoninja, maybe January next year I’ll join the forum. I do like rules, in fact I couldn’t trade without a few to keep me away from bad habits and overtrading but also as a simple reminder of what trades work best for me.

Yes cica,fits in well with Petes 2 "plot twist"vids doesn’t it, worth watching eh.