Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

G/J long today. Text book. Up 50 pips now with no draw down at any point. 3/3 for the week.

Cleanest market I have EVER SEEN.

I think during the slow period earlier this year they were doing software updates. SM 2.0.
Cleaner, smarter, more precise and efficient. :22:

Hey Pedro

Where did you enter?

I passed on that first NS, being patient. My entry was after the “push through the Automatic Rally” as I call it. If you’re not sure what is, watch the videos. The AR is defined as the first level of resistance after strength.

A proper push through entry candle will close at or near the high of the candle without excessive Volume.

Hey pedro.

Is the lower N.S cancelled by the close lower on the next candle.

Editing my post because I misread your question. Yes, it’s canceled. There is a video on that.

Something like this then?

Thanks for the help Mister Fader.
Its all becoming clearer. :53:

I don’t see proper strength/stopping volume on that down move. The 50 fib test has lower volume. It’s not right.

Great question and great answer from Pete thanks for your work to make things clearer.

Quick trade I just took on the UK100. This was based on stopping volume / pin bar reversal and waited for a retracement before entering. Quickly went profitable and moved to BE. Took half and exited the 2nd half when i saw it quickly shoot up. It may continue back but that was enough for me. As it turned out its reversed. Perfect exit

I was going to mark-up a sketch of yesterday’s GJ but westpest already it spot on! :slight_smile: In this post -> 301 Moved Permanently

Hi! Could someone enlighten me please? Where’s the sign of strength/stopping volume in the charts above? Was it in the 4hrs chart on 2nd Oct?

In the 1 hr chart, I see a lot supply in the background (with no stopping volume) except the 50fib high volume rejection…

I understand all of this, the only problem is knowing when the trade will begin to move sideways once it hits support or resistance. Sometimes the trade moves sideways then other times it blows through support/resistance.

In the same way that we’re looking at volume to show a sign of strength or weakness for our entry, use it in the same manner when in a profitable trade. If you hit support/resistance on high volume and the reaction confirms this, you’re likely to get a nice pullback or enter a range or either accum or distribution.

Volume is the key :slight_smile:

If you make higher (or lower) prices on lower volume, this is a good sign of price continuing.

HEY ! want to know if you do like this petefader or anybody else :)! well the trend is your friend soo on the daily we can see the trend on the latest day. and after we look for the correction of the trend and enter with a high volume candle on a resistance/support. its like swing trading but with the vsa. and at the very beginning of the correction we need to have a low/medium volume average ! well sorry for my english im a french canadian lol.

Did you mean to post a chart? I don’t see anything. If I was swing trading, yes I would still use VSA even down to the smaller TF for info, it would just be a matter of only taking setups with the potential to run big.

David Weiss, is a student of the Wyckoff method, I found the following is a must watch for anyone wanting a better understanding of Wykoff / Volume analysis / waves.

David Weis on Wyckoff, Support/Resistance, and Waves - YouTube

Just took this High Volume Pin Bar reversal (1hr) at the trendline moving back up. Long EY

BE hit on EY, went up 15 pips to first resistance before heading straight back. +0.8. Not so good.

Took a short at GU today…