Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

LOL that’s funny Pete.

The skills that pay the MO FO BILLS. Partial profit taken on E/U, E/J shorts. Stops at BE so no risk going into FOMC which will probably bring in down further. :10:

5/5 wins this week. Doing it LIVE like Bill O’Riley.

Pete, would you mind sharing picture with the setup you saw and the action you took?

I am trying to learn trading by VSA and watching all your videos, but still have problems to see the opportunity and prepare the trade :frowning:

Do you have any tip, what else I can do to learn seeing those opportunities?

Couldnt find any setups on my usual pairs this morning so found this setup on the DAX.
Pete nice E/J short.
5 min Stopping volume, A.R and push through.

Remember how much we like your youtube channel :smiley:

Good work sir!

Hey guys, I’m considering inviting everyone here, and in the Skype group, to attend today’s live trading session at London open.

Interested? :slight_smile:

Count me in Pete. Sounds good.

Sounds good!

I’m in Pete. Who needs sleep?!

Yes please, how to we go about this ?

I’ll post the Webinar & Online Conference | GoToWebinar meeting ID in here just before it starts. Starting promptly at London open.

Hmm not familiar with Skype. It shows you as offline, but I sent a message.

Do I need to add you as a contact or anything?

Yes, add Petefader as a contact.

I will be taking questions on Skype.

Join the webinar: Meeting ID 146-110-419 Webinar & Online Conference | GoToWebinar

EDIT: webinar over.

Thanks for that webinar. Some excellent stuff in there, but I’ve had to head off :frowning:

Will it be uploaded?

Not sure. I’ll see if I can edit it down.

Thanks for that pete brilliant material as always.

Thanks Pete, I wished I got there earlier and was less hungover but that was great to finally see. I’m thinking of joining you in March. Heres my full reasoning why I couldn’t see the EJ short so early on,