Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

yesterday EU chart suggests No supply bar

Iā€™ve never made one and donā€™t know how, but Iā€™ve heard of people creating such things. Maybe theyā€™ll post a link for you.

Nice. It my last TP while I slept, 80 pips.

Pips galore this week.

G/J long, E/U short Tues. G/U long Wed. E/U short Thurs. Over 200 pips with little to no draw down.

Live like Oā€™reilly :18:

LOL, how does it explain a lot to find out Iā€™m an Alien? I prefer the term Hybrid, thanks.

Prize? Sure. Iā€™ll send you a replicator like they have in Star Trek. :wink:

It explains your sneaky trading methods,and can I have a red one please.:30:

Peteā€™s last week trades to me personally donā€™t seem that obvious. firstly GU long was the retest off .18200 so in hindsight that one was OK,second EU short was maybe the touch off 1.14500,GU long ? 1.53500 but not particularly high volume until the next candle by which time a bit late,EU short thurs ,maybe touch off 1.14500 but all a bit subjective for me really.anyone care to shed some light on what Iā€™m missing. I donā€™t really see any definitive candles to trade from personally, Its ok to say this trade was good or that trade I suppose we could all do that in hindsight, I wish Pete would put which area he traded from though and give some of us a leg up. You can watch the vids till the cows come home but for subjective trades its a tad difficult. Still a great thread though and I appreciate the time Peteā€™s already spent on it.Suppose Ill get shot down as usual, but Que Sera .

Hi, is there any collection of posts describing the basics of this method? Iā€™m new to VSA, but have a bit of an experience with other methods, although I find it really hard to catch up with this.

I started watching the videos and reading the posts from the starts of this topic, but it is getting in the middle of things just too fast.

Like, I understand the concept of demand and supply, and the logic behind it, what Iā€™m looking for is some technical interpretation, for example ā€œyou look for the volume bars decreasing, if its lower than this, and the candle forms a long wick, then that means you have to look for buying.ā€

Of course I just made this up, but at the moment without some explanation like this, this seems hard to understand and all over the place.

Thanks for the help.

I see what youā€™re saying about wanting a simple layout of the basics. On the other hand, I canā€™t imagine that after watching all my youtube vids, maybe more than once, that you wouldnā€™t start to see the same things over and over and find yourself understanding it and spoting setups.

The videos I made covering the basics through the advanced I sell as a course, which is over 9 hours. But still, itā€™s mainly the same info as the free youtube vids just more organized and detailed. Bottom line, I do think if anyone watches the free vids enough they will be able to apply it to their trading and see an improvement at the very least. Iā€™ll consider doing some vids on basics and maybe do another free webinar for everyone to ask question sometime soon.

What can I say. Those setups were text book. If you want to know the details of every trade I take, you can join the trading room. If not, watch the vids again.

This is the reply I expected so no surprise there.Youā€™ve been trading this way for so long to you its obvious, unfortunately not so obvious for those who havenā€™t.I realise it must become a little galling to have to repeat things to people newer to this method of trading however without being disrespectful to you Pete (and as I said I personally really do appreciate all the work youā€™ve done on this thread) it makes newer volume traders not want to ask questions which you may find dumb and then be patronised,which really makes the continuation of this thread d a bit worthless. As I said before your method among others is find high volume stopping volume off good levels then trading off breakthroughs after retests plus no support/demand etc. and fib levels as in you vids
,I couldnā€™t really see strong evidence of any of that on the trades you spoke of, hence it would have been great to know which candle on each trade got your attention and people could have worked it out from there.

I still answer questions if It hasnā€™t been covered or I can add something new to the answer. Otherwise the material is out there if people want to put the time in. I have often made videos to directly respond to questions about setups that got asked here. I do free webinars and post the info to join here and answer questions and teach them for free. To say no point in continuing the thread is a little over the top. I think you want to complain a little out of frustration with your own trading. Iā€™m not going to hold your hand. Trade with me live or u can continue to take advantage if my free material. Good luck.

Threads are normally started for three reasons, firstly as a way to drag people over to their pay to view sites secondly ,they have an idea which they know is flawed and want others to tweak, or in Petes case ( I hope and believe ) for generous reasons to help others. Pete canā€™t seem to see that while he sees things clearly itā€™s hard for ā€œvolume virginsā€ to see the same things. Its ok showing the cherry picked examples in the vids but as he knows not all trades are the same, you can go through vids until your blue in the face and may not find one like the one asked about. When I say it makes the thread worthless Iā€™m not saying this thread is worthless, what I mean is he started the thread to help others with their trading, then if this itā€™s not being done whatā€™s the point?. I suppose when you start threads you make a rod for your own back, maybe thatā€™s how he feels, I probably would. With the particular trades he spoke of last week I just couldnā€™t see the obvious things he or others did and it would have helped enormously, maybe someone else could help out. Iā€™m not frustrated with my trading just now and then get frustrated when I canā€™t see something others see , no matter how hard I look. I donā€™t want anyone to ā€œhold my hand ā€œ and have been trading long enough to know if in doubt ask, sometimes people will help other times they seem to feel the questions are beneath them. I wonā€™t ask any more questions of Pete as I know Iā€™ll get the standard answer ā€œwatch the vidsā€, and donā€™t particularly want to be patronised which is a great shame. Perhaps someone else could put their slant on those particular trades he spoke of on page 563 post 5624.I know it would help me and maybe others. Thanks to all. :18:

Like I said. Many times I actually make videos to answer questions in here about trades Iā€™ve taken. In this particular case I didnā€™t. Not sure why you are so obsessed with why I took my trades last week, especially if your trading is going well. Both the G/U and G/J trades were within 15 minuets of the high impact GBP news. Does that help? Mark it up and post a chart and maybe there can be a discussion. That would be making good use of the thread.

As I said I wont ask any more Questions that you donā€™t want to answer ,lets leave it there.

I just suggested you mark up charts and post them for a discussion and you say no? After all this talk about how you wanted to know why I took the trades. Wow, ok forget it then. It really comes off like you just want to be spoon fed. I rather respond to people that put some work in so yeah, letā€™s leave it there. SMH.

lol, you donā€™t seriously imagine heā€™s bothered about the likes of you anymore do you buster now heā€™s cast his lines out & is reeling the gullible little fishies in?
Itā€™s not like thereā€™s a shortage of them swimming around either, which is why these joints are a marketers dream ticket.

Itā€™s the same old story buddy.
The only surprising thing is that it took him so long.

Check out his attitude when he was just another run-of-mill poster compared to now :wink:

No thatā€™s not all youā€™ve said ,if youā€™d have put the part about "trades made within 15 mins of high impact news "that would have been great, but no you had to make a big drama out of a simple question, you seem to enjoy putting people down which I notice you 'done to others in the past and maybe you get off on that ,I personally donā€™t, you really are quite arrogant arenā€™t you, Iā€™ve always tried to be civil and polite in my posts ,you on the other hand just want to be supercilious.

spot on double 6 youā€™re on to him as well. Look at petefaders next post how arrogant is that !!! talk about a big head ,the reason he didnā€™t want to answer my questions is because he probably never took those trades ,maybe all the trades he talks about are after the event, and heā€™s just trying to pretend he did ,what a fraud.

If trading 80-90% win ratio with people is ā€œreeling in gullible little fishesā€ then Iā€™m guilty.

Thatā€™s what separates me from the rest. Iā€™m the real deal. Get it?

I know itā€™s hard to believe. I do the impossible on a regular basis. Thatā€™s what I do.

And fuk yeah my attitude changes when my trading became this good. Iā€™m the $hit and I know it. Itā€™s not bragging if you can do it. Iā€™m probably the best trader on this site, and I do it live.

Time to block some time wasters and move on.