Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Piss off trolls, simple as that.

This whole discussion remind me some story told by R.D.Wyckoff.
He was providing trading advice for people. Obviously he was very good in what he was doing but surprisingly some people start to complain that why one year they earn 30k and another year “only” 15k.
What I see Pete point is that people never change. That is why “market works” and your method is working so well :).
No point to argue with others.
Trading is a journey. No short cuts. Only hard work.
Peace to all.

Crikey, you’re a tetchy little bumble bee aren’t you.
What’s up, not feeling as much love as the other marketers on here? :slight_smile:

LOL, that’s not really saying much is it.
It’s not like there’s a great deal of competition + you can’t get any lower on the forum world ladder than Babypips, so it’s hardly chest puffing material, hahahaha.

You ought to be thanking double 6 & his pals for helping to make prices that you can bet on everyday via your cheap seats platforms.
And thank your lucky stars the NFA haven’t (yet) got their way otherwise you & your penny ha’penny gang wouldn’t have an affordable platform to access in the first place.

Ok, I can block you too. This place is like a public rest room sometimes. Guess they can’t handle the truth. It’s outside their belief system.

How come I’ve read this thread and the 1500 pips per month one, and I spotted live all except one trade Pete traded last week without even asking a question here, ever?

I guess the fact of taking 4 months to read and re-read both topics here and watching his videos again and again and backtesting everything I was reading here paid off.

But that sux huh? I just want the baby, without the whole process, right?


Believe or not, but why wasting time? Just move on.

As always, I can’t thank Pete enough for sharing this. Not even a bit.

Nice to hear after having this garbage thrown at me. That’s awesome. You’re seeing real results from only my free material. That’s what I’m talking about! :35:

My man,sometimes it looks so easy it’s even scary, and I really mean that. I’ve had (when starting with VSA with real money) trades that I didnt take because I thought “it can’t be that easy, I’m going to fall into a trap”. I don’t care if someone believes this or not, I’ll make the same money (or losses) either you haters believe this or not.

You dont need to be rocket scientist to trade this method. Taking the one hour chart, zooming back and identify the current phase and trade accordingly is something even my 9 year old cousin could do.

Then, proper analysis (S/R, Fibs, Channels) along with Volume and thats it. If you have a doubt, don’t trade.

Will stop now, as I won’t repeat what’s being said many times just to look skillful -which I’m not- lol.

Pete, you know they say when you have haters, you must be doing something right, right? Right. :57:

By the way Buster48:

Over one thousand charts. If you can’t see setups after that…

I downloaded all long time ago, after taking months worth of reading, viewing and backtesting. That’s how serious I was about learning all this stuff. But I guess that’s too much to ask for some :slight_smile:

I’ll stop going offtopic now, sorry Pete :stuck_out_tongue:

I took 4-5 months, reading this topic and the old one from Pete, re-reading it again while backtesting everything I saw, then wathing over 10 times the videos from Pete’s channel. Say half a year.

The way I see it: I’m a law student, I’ve to study over 4-5 years before be considered a lawyer -which I no longer want, I was born to trade :smiley: - so when I found forex, I thought I’d need to study just as much, if not more.

Then I found Pete stuff which really increased the process speed.

anyone else see audusd looking bullish? Im seeing very efficient bullish price action.

Of course its probably going to slam down 200 pips now…

For me AUDUSD looks like this:

G/U finding some sellers again up here. Look what happened last Wednesday in this area. Distribution in progress.

And still catching some herd it seems, even though it’s been a weird day. Hoping for another run to 1.54700 to jump in the higher the better, if volume agrees, of course.

Call it the herd or lack of consensus among SM, but we found some buyers at DP as it tried to start the markdown. I was up about 16 pips at that point, moved my stop to BE and it was hit. Haven’t looked lately but yes, if it’s up high we might go for it again.

Just a reminder. SM doesn’t fight the market. If there is too much demand remaining they will not force the Markdown. It’s smarter to let buyers get committed to their positions to make the ride down much easier once they dry up. All aboard the train…in the wrong direction. Anyone out there still looking to buy, please do so asap lol.

Had to do an update on the G/U. Just looked at the chart. That huge news spike late yesterday was strength by definition as you can see on the 5 min. It’s enough Vol to say the bias has changed and we have strength in the background. Also, high prices now are not showing much weakness, and the trend is obviously up. So we go from here. Bullish.

Yeah, it’s unbelievable how much info volume gives. I was waiting to see the volume reaction of higher prices. It didn’t show, price was going up without effort or finding any trouble. No trade, and up it goes.

Now waiting for some Fib retrace, support turned resistance or both as confluence, again, if volume agrees :smiley:

Tank you Pete!


You mean that double bottom at 1.24~ with increase volume on the 5 min chart?

If so, I won’t go for it since I can see a lot more bearish volume in the background from yesterday. The setup itself looks good if you only look today’s volume, but background should always be taken into consideration. It is risky in my book, even though it worth maybe a little scalp at least with 1/4 of the position running if it ever goes higher :slight_smile:

who knows of course but look at the hourly, we are at a high vol demand point

Yup, you’re right. This is the only thing bothering me, as I said:

Wish you the best if you’re on the trade :slight_smile: