Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

I wen’t long on USD/CAD today. Not a pair I normally watch but the setup was pointed out by a student in the live session.

It’s not the prettiest thing, but valid fake break of yesterday’s low, volume supported it. Nice to catch after a slow week. 5 wins and 1 BE the last 2 weeks.

The BE was my G/U short Tues. No trade yesterday.

You guys were talking about U/CAD, look at the daily range. That’s how you trade a range. Yes, it’s that simple. :slight_smile:

Just uploading a chart to make it more eye appealing :slight_smile:

Who could look at that chart and not realize that volume is crucial for trading? It’s child’s play without it.

gu might be a value area

Yep, but ur fib is drawn backwards. Draw it in the direction of the trending move. 61.8 is a higher number than 50 so it should be the further retracement. And get that other BS off your chart if you’re gonna post in here! kidding lol. Sorta. :smiley:

Damn and been doing it wrong all these years… :34::34::34:

Sorry, I had to.

anyone fading these moves, i hear tell of doings :33::33::33:

EURUSD - I am “up”. TP — fibb

Any chart to explain your trade? You’re long based on what? :slight_smile:

Yes I have enter on NS — kickout on the “NEWS”.


just bought it at 1200 on a short squeeze, see what happens

I’m updating the first post to clarify some things so check it out.

Good luck if you’re trading today. I’m just holding a really small piece of that u/cad long from yesterday after banking some at targets up to 100 pips…looking to get out before market close at this point.

Nice trade…assuming you didn’t just get lucky and knew what you were doing LOL. Gotta love the fake break with volume supporting. Too easy. Think how many noobs sold that break to the downside and are rage quitting right now.

yeah totally easy money, especially with such an obvious exit point, hard not to take, already out too, take it go, take it and go

good weekends.GU volüme increase and price action

I would just like to thank Pete for the videos, after rewatching them couple times more and more things start to click together like a puzzle.

Hopefully I can start posting trades and results soon.

Hi Pete,

first of all, I am very interested in your method and want to thank you very much for your work with the videos and all the other info you present.

This is my first post, so hopefully I am not writing nonsense here :slight_smile: I have a question regarding your comment from Thursday:

I realized the H1 volume is not that high and assume that ideally it should be higher. Is the H1 volume in this fake breakout situation not so important for you?

Best Regards

Note the low volume from the candles before… Also, it’s important that the first bullish candle of that up move closed back within the support line again, back in the range, confirming the fake breakout :slight_smile: The 5 minutes chart I attached shows the volume even more clear and obvious.

Edit: I just saw it was a question directed to Pete only. I’m sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself. Pete will give you a much better explanation :slight_smile: