I saw somebody posted the VanessaFX system in this thread. they released a system update and I thought the introduction the Vanessa gave fits perfectly in reply to the thread starters question.
Hi guys
I’m going to start with a little speech again. I receive a lot of emails from people who tell me my system doesn’t work for them. They are exactly right it doesn’t work for them and the reality is no system in the world will work for them in the long run. You may be one of those people and if you are you should pay attention and take as much away from what I am writing as you can.
There is a problem with the Forex market actually this goes deeper than the market there is a flaw with humanity as a whole. People take the easy way out; if they find something to hard they give up and try something else. Of course I am referring to people who spend their entire day scouring forum after forum looking for the next great system. A system is not going to make money, making money is up to you. You are the one that needs to trade the system the system can’t trade itself.
People email me all the time concerning bad signals given by the system and I have got tired of telling them what to do. Nobody ever listens; they dismiss my advice and go back to the forum looking for a new system. The truth is that if you are one of those people you will fail, not because of the Forex market but because of yourself.
Every system will give false signals, the questions what do you do with the false signal?
A smart trader would not take it and if she/he did she/he would exit with a relatively small loss most of the time.
A dumb trader will take the signal and will take every signal as soon as it’s given. They will use no discretion and they will lose, after that they will go look for a new system.
As much as I hate to say it traders like me (smart traders) need dumb traders to be on the other side of a position when we take it. What you need to ask yourself is if you want to be the dumb trader that losses money to the smart trader or the smart trader who is given money by the dumb trader.
It is easy to be either; it all comes down to a choice you have to make.
Choice 1: Read this book, try the new and improved system, lose a few trades, go look for another system and repeat until you liquidate your account.
Choice 2: Read this book and try the new and improved system. Then spend some time learning the basics about Forex, basics like candle stick patterns, support + resistance lines, [B]fundamentals[/B], price action. Do not just watch a video or read a post in the forum actually try and learn the basics.
Ask questions on the private forum that is what is there for.
The reality is 90% of you will probably pick choice 1, not right away but you will revert back to it. I just hope that I get through to at least one of you…