Systems - Candlestick Course & Markets Mastered

Note to admin - I was not sure where this should go so apologise. I also have no connection with these people and purely want to find out if it is worth purchasing. Thanks

Has anyone come accross or ???

The Markets Mastered website also has a blog which is has been going for over a year so seems trustworthy.

Just wondering if anyone has come across them and can give any advise before I give away my hard earned cash and get the systems??


Never came across them, and would never lay down cash for something such as them.

Save your money.

Let me put it another way.

If you had hit upon a masterful way to pull large gains out of the market, why would you need to go through the hassle of selling your system?

You wouldn’t;)

If you want the best options for candlestick charting, search Steve Nison.

Easily the most thorough out there.

There are some great threads on here about candlesticks as well.

I know what you mean especially the proper sales like one with the candlesticks but the other one actually looks genuine and the blog is kept up to date albeit has given it a miss recently due to a stroke or heart attack (have read it through to the last year - sad i know but doing my due dilligence as such)

I know it sounds sad but everyone is different but im looking for system or should I say method that is easy to understand and not with all these indicators and just want to scalp say 25 pips per day.

Obviously there are free ones here with different interpretations but all seem to get shot down at some point so you can understand my frustration as such as I really want this to be my full time job with a passion. I just need a few stepping stones to get there first

Everything you will need is readily available, and for nothing more than a time investment.

Roll up your sleeves, and get to studying.

Here’s a year’s worth of material. Articles and Insight

I have a price action course that I snagged off of bit torrent somewhere and it is awesome. I heard some chatter about this guy from some friends of bp’s :wink: and so I was intriuged and tracked it down.

Its called allstarfx by Chris Lori. I am considering hosting it online through rapidshare but I don’t want to get into trouble.

Try to find this course it is really good. If you strike out, let me know and maybe I will share a copy with you.

master tang, great link. it truly is a years worth of materials :smiley:

Hey Johnny,

Chris Lori’s site was recommended to me by another trader who had worked with him for a bit, the “members-only” area is free if you register with an email address. I don’t watch his vid’s much because it’s a different type of trading than I am interested in, but he regularly publishes various PDF reports from some of the worlds largest banks, which I find quite informative. The reports are mostly fundamental, and since I trade technically it’s interesting to read that I can have the same view as the bankers, based off of completely different information.

It’s also pleasantly reassuring to watch these calls made by the big boys lose just like anybody else.

Anyways, not trying to hype his site too much, but the bank reports are definitely worth getting one more piece of spam in my junk mailbox.

Against advise (Sorry Master Tang) I went and got the Candlestick Course.

49 Pages of candlesticks which can be found free of charge anywhere on the internet.

They were also using charts from 2002-2004 - why???

5 videos also supplied which each took ages to download so only got to see one but clearly saw it was not for me.

So quick enough I asked for a refund via clickbank !!!

I am still interested in the Markets Mastered one as been contacted a couple times by people on here who said the guy is the real deal and responds personally to every question you have :wink:

So… Because the guy is a standup chap, and responds to problems one has with something he sold them makes it a safe bet?

And they have a year long blog? So therefore they can be trusted?

You’re willing to part with your money that easily?

I have a few systems for you. Need my paypal account?

All kidding aside, Google or Bing are your best friends on the net.

Use them.

Take no one person’s word for truth, and never let someone into your wallet without first checking them out.

The search for this link took me all of 10 seconds, but it would save me a lot of time in having to deal with anyone for a refund.

Review - Markets Mastered - S&P Evening Trader (Intra)

As I said before, roll your sleeves up, get to work, and learn all you can.

It will cost you NOTHING but your time investment.

I know where you are coming from Master Tang dont worry about that but I have been studying for 6 months at least and looking for my own system etc but nothing stands out at me.

Maybe im just looking for the support of someone to hold my hand or those stepping stones as such.

I know I can get help here etc but if we are trading the same thing at the same time there will obviously be more help as such. And being his system and all…

I so badly want this as my full time job.

Jay if you want it bad enough you will succeed. Just keep at it. Try to learn about yourself along the way because that is where success will be found.

There are literaly millions of people who want your money and will do and say anything to get it. So be careful and like MT says do research before you spend even a penny. If you are seriously interested in something google it with the word scam next to it, then review but keep in mind if it is an affiliate product then there will be fake reviews and fake reivew sites. So maybe it is good to start a list of trusted sites and look to them for some answers.

cheers guys - i have been through ALL the pages of systems people have mentioned here and picked up on a few that may suit me so will look into them further.

are there any that you trade live that you got from here at all?

looking for daily trades - 25 pips per day - timescale not an issue albeit if there is anything after 5pm GMT would be good :wink:

cheers yet again people :slight_smile:

well my suggestion is to jump right into the deep end. The information is extremly advanced but I suggest…

[I]In this thread I created a pdf (post number 5) It is a sort of summary of the first thread, but nothing will compare to taking time and going through that thread.[/I]

The latest discussion on these ideas…

These are threads created by the best traders of babypip’s history. This is of course only my opinion but I am certain that anyone who has read those threads over the years would agree. This is the foundational work that you need to be a successful and professional trader, and honestly it will take you years to fully absorb this material, but if you put in the time and effort you will reap the rewards.

ill look at properly tomorrow - cheers