There are.
“Out there” and perhaps [I]especially[/I] “in here”.
There are.
“Out there” and perhaps [I]especially[/I] “in here”.
Affirmative! (bordering obligatory)
An excellent explanation of my exemplary driving record, however, you have just provided a valuable reminder for me to increase my average speed by 10mph under all conditions.
Safety first!
Here is a problem for the cumulative brain power known to frequent this thread. While it may not be as eloquent as the multi time frame work posted earlier by manxx, it is nevertheless worthy of some attention.
Now, a few days ago i purchased a duvet, yes that’s correct a duvet… please bear with me.
This particular duvet, which i consider to be of a satisfactory quality has a discernable drawback. Once underneath it you feel as if you were in a sauna on a tropical island at midday in the summer season!
Last night with the heating in the bedroom switched off and the window open and a temperature of -2 degrees outside the heat under the duvet was just about bearable.
So, what is the correct course of action? The SL is getting close.
Please keep the comments clean and helpful in nature
There’s always a catch.
It isn’t fit for purpose, so you need either to modify it, or replace it, either finding another use for it or part-exchanging it.
I suspect that it contains (as many do) a mixture of artificial and natural fibres, and would be better fitted to lagging the hot-water tank.
If you can’t reasonably practicably remove and re-arrange its filling material to make it cover as big an area with only half the thickness (which may be very difficult), then I suspect that replacing it with a “down-only” or “feather-and-down” one (or even a “what goes up must come down” one) may be the optimal course.
The long-shot possibility of last resort is neurosurgery to re-set your own body’s homeostatic thermoregulatory controls inside the thalamus, or wherever they live, but this would perhaps be something of a sledgehammer to crack a nut (as it were).
Applause + a like, for your restraint haha.
I bought it for it’s non-allergenic qualities so the ‘feather and down’ route is a non starter.
You have given me an idea concerning loft insulation, winter only, naturally.
I’m also reminded of something i read in a market wizard book years ago, something to the effect of, “If i’m in pain i don’t care what the market is doing, i’m getting out!”.
Not worth a single hour more of lost sleep me thinks.
That way of thinking is why you make the big bucks
I have been to every country in scandinavia… except Finland, [I]have met a lot of finnish people though[/I], freezing winters, lovely summers, not as much blonde as the PR guru’s try to ‘sell’ you.
I’ll get a quote for the sauna in the morning
… apart from a very significant proportion of the professional traders on the trading-floor of a few hundred financial institutions worldwide, and an admittedly much lower proportion of successful, independent traders, you mean?
Yes; there are some of those, too, I grant you.
(I know you’re asking Manxx and not me, but …) I haven’t traded commodities enough to know from my own personal experience (oil is the only commodity I ever trade, and I’m in and out of CL futures in 10 minutes, usually), but I [U]suspect[/U] that overall, during their RTH, currencies [I]may well[/I] actually be slightly less risky, for retail traders; yes.
… …
I [I]can[/I], Turbo. That’s my point: I [I]could[/I] show you a few (granted, they’re all ex-institutional traders now trading their own accounts independently but that doesn’t detract from my point which is simply that [U]there are some[/U], so you’re actually exaggerating!).
Yes. I’m actually talking [I][U]only[/U][/I] about intraday traders (I know very few others - that’s just a “selection-bias statistic” because of my own background - I’m not for a moment suggesting that it’s representative of anything else, of course).
Indeed - for sure.
I wouldn’t know … but what you say seems likely to me; I’m certainly not disputing it.
I suspect that’s largely because stock-trading is a hobby for a large number of people who wouldn’t really consider themselves “traders” at all, and some of them will doubtless be quite successful with it.
Of course it is (apart from fees/commissions, obviously). I have often pointed this out, myself, in forum posts. How could it [I]not[/I] be?
Of course - I’ve never said (or thought) anything different.
If you had a 1000000 account you could trade spot forex with zero commissions by opening an account with privileges, which could mean a 10-pip move in EUR/USD, for example, would give you 1000 USD with zero leverage at 10 standard lots…
So you could earn $1000 every time you had an overall +10 pips P/L…
So then it would not matter if you traded currencies, commodities, etc… as long as the thing had a pulse
Yes - I don’t disagree with you about this, at all.
I think it’s not altogether comparing like with like, simply because the aspiring forex-traders you’re talking about, in a place like this, include a large number of people who harbour ambitions of making a living from it (which I agree for a very high percentage of them will turn out to be totally unrealistic, and I even agree that it may be 99%), whereas with stocks typically it’s more “investing” than “trading”, and typically more a “hobby” than a “potential career”.