Talk to ME :)

Well, if one went by looks alone, it would have to be assumed that every person born with a female body is a woman…and every person born with a male body is a man…in order to think in the way that gender “should” think…but apparently that isn’t always the case. (just sayin…:wink: )

From Chastity to Chaz - transformation complete! - CelebrityFIX

I have read that women are allot better then us men at multi-tasking and also they can listen to multiple conversations at the same time and make sense of them. Point being is i have allot of respect for women.

Awww… My sweet sweet SweetPip!!! Where have you been girl… It is great to see you…

Haha… Yea, I remember Chaz watching from dancing with starts show. Well do you think her/ his ( whatever IT is) mom “Cher” has to be blame for this? Lol…

So… Let me ask you this and I needed your help. What do you think our main motivation for this. Like some guys already said for them is Money, Power, and Women… I am having a hard time what it is for us in general…

I’m all for the whole “live and let live” thing but…gross!

There is no one to blame…like Lady Gaga says…“I was born this way”.

Does there have to be a difference…just because I’m female I have to have different motivations? I think they’re pretty much the same…(well except for the women part…being a full featured women, I’d like a buff pool boy instead…lol)

Lol… It wasn’t so bad…lol he just probably change his hair color/cut…lol

With a penis?

Oh and you can lift a 300 lb Bench and will be able to " flex" your muscles… Though, I would like to have a “six pack” abs not a 12 case… :wink: totally dead on…

Which one the bald head? LOL ewwww

[QUOTE=“tonyro44;523261”]I have read that women are allot better then us men at multi-tasking and also they can listen to multiple conversations at the same time and make sense of them. Point being is i have allot of respect for women.[/QUOTE]

Uhhhh… Have you ever seen a woman talking on the phone while trying to drive?! Apparently not…

With a use of Bluetooth and headset?


With a use of Bluetooth and headset?[/QUOTE]

I don’t think it matters… Once they get to jabbering… Their speed gets to be about 20 mph faster then the speed limit and lane changes become erratic high speed swerves of death.

Well in the city, there are some drivers do exceeded the speed limit even if they are not talking on the phone. They are some drivers who drives like that and never get caught. I used my Bluetooth if I am waiting for a call from work and I have to be somewhere at the same time but if I know It will take up a lot of time required then I pull over… So it depends. If it is for work, or important call, I’ll take the call otherwise it can wait. Though, I can’t speak for teenagers who just want to " chat". … So go and arrest them lol…:wink:

Not getting what you mean…???

[QUOTE=“Sweet Pip;523299”]

Not getting what you mean…???[/QUOTE]

She’s asking if you take steroids…

Aww! That’s so sweet of you PipNRoll! Come on guys, we need to take advantage of this opportunity. No shame in admitting that the market hurt your feelings.

Oh, and hi!

Ya…I was hoping she wasn’t. I said I wanted a buff pool boy…not BE one!

Hurt my feelings , true but not as bad as hurting your Ego :wink:


Lol… No steroids… [B]Naturally[/B] born this way :wink:

I think you deserve some motivation and encouragement for having to tough it out in a field full of misogyny and chauvinism.

So keep it up. :35: