Talk to ME :)

[B]@Skimkiper[/B] - Welcome to BP. There are plenty of experienced traders who are genuine helpful people around who are willing to help so ask away if you got any equestions. Yes, I too overtraded and that was my starting point to change everything of what I was doing. So good for you to turn things around and now you can relax as you trade…
@Jezzode[/B]- Thank you for your valuable input. Overtrading is one of the many mistakes that newbie makes. I think each mistakes has its purpose. We do not know what we don’t know until we make mistakes. It is not just in trading but in life in general. We won’t be as wise as we are right now nor we gain confidence a long the way without those mistakes. I view mistakes as a guide not a failure… It is to help to build the foundation that we needed by correcting those mistakes and not to do it again (if possible). Mistakes are the most valuable teaching tool that we can have because trading is all about finding our own trading style, trading strategy, and self observation. Mistakes is always presents but to find a way to correct it early on, we can have a better chance to succeed in trading or any businesses, life, career that we choose…

I stumble upon this Quote. I thought I should share it here to those who is feeling rejected like on a job …or being rejected by your “date”"-ss (lol)…

Does this have some hidden agenda? :wink: lol

Lol… Yes, ofcourse as always :wink:

I like quotes! Alot!

"Many of life’s failures are people who do not realize how close they are to success when they gave up."
This quote is plastered on my white board where it reminds me everyday where I am currently at. This quote taught me to be patient and make more concise trades.

I hope you all benefit from this thread as it can be a game changer!

Hey, thanks for sharing this one! Really helpful to where my trading’s at right now.

“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” - Lou Holtz

One must fine the inner strength to learn how to pick up yourself learn from it and become stronger every time. Tonyro44

Awesome set of motivational quotes right here. Keep 'em coming, fellas!

Do you agree with this Quote?

I really like that quote.

Learn to walk, before you run - and definitely, learn to crawl before you can walk…

I just wanted to take this opportunity to hi jack our fabulous BP forum…I am sure you are aware what had happen to my home country… Philippines.

When I was growing up, I have seen and experiences some of those storms, typhoon, earthquake, volcano eruptions before. These is one of those experiences, events that comes and goes like everything else in life and you cannot control or prevent it from happening. These is the time where you have to stand up and shake everything off. We have done this before… we’ve been through this before. The only way you can moved forward is to take everything one step at a time even if it is always hard to start over again. There are some things that you can bring back in due time like a house that can re build… the only thing that you cannot bring back are the lives of the families and friends that you have lost in which it takes time to heal. The things that you will have and will remembered are the memories (good times) when they were still alive and those memories will be talking about as times goes by as if they where never left …

…but life still moves on… so we can keep moving on…

Lmao pipnroll to burn 100 buxs, its easy, the first thing ever trader needs to learn is never use any money you are not willing to lose, and never fear losing money, that fear can keep you from making as well. recently I was showing a fellow truck driver the value of cash, i pulled out a 1 dollar bill and lit ot on fire to show hom how it burns, he was frantically trying to put it out, the i pulled out a quarter and showed him the value of metal it don’t burn held over aflame, although im not a poor man I used to watch dad throw 100,000 buxs into farming every year, sometimes he made it back sometimes he did not. Forex is less risky than farming to me actually.

True to that statement… However, you cannot keep burning money by losing it in trades. Sometimes, you have to draw a line of how much more you are going to or willing to lose and if you have learn anything when lose… Without any reasoning or realizing why you lose/burn that money that means you didn’t put any value of your money and didn’t put any effort/ study your probabilities of winning of each and every trades.

Well that guy on the example/exercises he didn’t tell us the real reason why we have to burn that 100 bucks so he is an idiot and I would rather go shopping or go to SPA if I want to burn that money… Lol it was nerve racking though…

Hun when I do or am able to trade I only place trades now im 90 percent sure i can make a 50 cents profit on a mini lot account, due to me driving a truck and never knowing when i might not have internet, I just do the easy in and out ones.
Maybe one day I will be able to see the longer trades but until i do, i trade what i feel comphy with.
Im pretty much self taught on this stuff this far I have no mentor, I use no signal provider, although I do research.