Teach me your winning system and I'll help you chart watch

I got 2x 30 inch monitors and bunch of time on my hands. I’m willing to help stalk pairs for setups if you tell me what I’m looking for exactly. My current strategy involves 3 candle fractals on different time frames, using the Asian range, predicting tops and bottoms of daily/weekly candles, S&R with price action, and basically going with my gut. I find myself in many trades without feeling like I have a strong setup. I’m just sort of “riding the market” like a bull, if you will, swinging me both ways, sometimes ending up and sometimes ending down or even. I’m looking for more clarity on my method. Show me your success and how you set up for it every day and I’ll watch up to 20 pairs for you. This is my set up.

You have a lovely trading set up. Why can’t you develop your own strategy ?

So you don’t need to waste time on others.

Thanks. I am and will continue to develop my strategy but it’s always nice to learn by shadowing someone who does it for a living. Instead of going by my gut, it’d be nice to have objective setups that we could always take. I’m not being lazy. I just think it’s the best way to learn.

I am kind of confused. So you have a multi monitor set up, so do most serious traders. I have a quad monitor set up myself. How does having someone else watch my charts for me help me? I just dont get where this is going. The person teaching you their system is obviously fully capable of watching their own charts, since well they have already been executing it themselves prior to seeing this post. Also if you assume they are going to outsource their watching to you, so they can play golf or go hang out instead. They are basically giving a novice total control of their business. Something I dont think anyone who is serious is going to do.

I understand you want to shadow someone, see what they do and how they do it. This is why we have mentors. I did the same thing when I was getting started. Except i was sitting next to prop traders watching them day by day. Then they would review my trades at the end of the day/week. I would think that’s a better process for you as opposed to trying to watch someone else s system for them.

The issue that this raises is whether a winning system actually exists for forex trading that is 100% objective… My opinion is there is not a 100% mechanical system that does not require constant tweaking and updating to keep up with market changes.

Seems like one of the bigger stumbling blocks for new traders is getting caught up in the search for a mechanical system that generates signals mindlessly. I can’t imagine I was the only one who spent countless hours trying to find an objective system by trying all kinds of patterns and indicators and combinations of the two…

I don’t really consider that period of time a waste… But looking back I can totally see how misguided that quest for the “holy grail” is.

Sorry, but I cannot follow, I smell scamming here.

I went from 3 monitors to 1. And I see traders getting up to 6 monitor setup. Lol. Guess its the trading style of each individual.

I was under the impression that even experienced traders miss out on many good setups because they simply don’t catch them due to their concentration on a specific pair. I was offering another set of eyes trained however you wanted to catch setups to help look at charts. That was the premise of this post.

Another reason was exactly as ILPM put it. Since it’s so hard to have a “winning system,” I won’t know if I’m really a winner or not or if I’m just getting lucky. If I can shadow someone with a positive track record and be able to see how they see, and think how they think, it would be of tremendous help. I understand now that the extra set of eyes and monitors probably aren’t as valuable as I first thought they were to traders.

In this day and age experienced traders don’t need help from others watching charts. We set price alerts which come in the form of email, txt message or phone call. There is even pattern recognition software which alerts when a programmed set up is in formation. Trading these days is easy when you know what you looking for, you don’t even need a monitor!

Ok understood. I’ll continue working on my own system then. Thanks all.

Some of these guys blasted you pretty hard, including myself. But I just want to make it crystal clear here. First of all finding a trading partner or a mentor is very good for you. But it has to be a mutually beneficial relationship, thats mainly what I was getting at in my post. The method of “service” your providing to help the potential partner or mentor is just not needed in this day and age. I just think your going about it the wrong way. Find people who you think are knowledgeable, successful or have a trading skill that you are lacking. Talk with them off the forums, Skype, phone, or in real life. I am all in favor of the real life meetings and shadowing the traditional way but now its much more difficult.

Develop your own strategy is fine, and something that should be done. So keep doing it, even if you find a good partner. Share ideas with them get objective third party feedback, we all get a little hung up on our “babies”.