Hi all,
I’m really looking forward to learning something new. I find the subject matter fascinating (I am a bit of a geek I guess!) and I think the site is extremely welcoming and well formatted.
Thanks for the invite
Hi all,
I’m really looking forward to learning something new. I find the subject matter fascinating (I am a bit of a geek I guess!) and I think the site is extremely welcoming and well formatted.
Thanks for the invite
Welcome and good luck on your forex journey!
Hi Jedidja
Welcome aboard!!!
I think (I’m sure) that being a geek of any kind will help - I am the polar opposite of you and that is my Achilles heel I feel - I am very nervous of anything techie… But I’m trying and I’m hanging on in there - I am a bit of a stubborn bugger…
Anyway, this site is brilliant, the people are wonderful and I’m sure you’ll do very well.
Have fun and enjoy the ride (here’s to your journey)