Thanksgiving plans this week?

Big plans anyone? Weather is looking crazy this week for much of the US. We’ll be trying an air fryer this time for the turkey. Can’t wait!

Safe travels to you all.

An air fryer is going to be one of my Christmas gifts to myself LOL but I’m in Maryland, so the weather won’t be too bad

Advanced Happy Thanksgiving to you guys! :blush: Haha. :slight_smile: I hope you get your fill of good food!

Fill of food received and then some! It was glorious.

I don’t like the dishes cooked in the fryer. The reason is that there is a lot of oil needed for cooking. It’s not good for your health. I prefer grilled food. So the food retains its useful qualities. I bought myself a grill for the best grill for apartment balcony. It’s compact, portable. In the grill meat and vegetables turn out very tasty and juicy.

It’s a bit late for Thanksgiving, but have you heard of oil-less air fryers? Check out the Nuwave. You can heat with or without oil. It’s pretty awesome. And if you have a turkey, you can always get one of these gigantic cookers, also no oil.

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yea, the air fryer lol I’m getting one for myself this week. They’re very popular right now

They’re awesome. You’ll be happier with it!