The £10K Gamble - [The Journey]

Good job indeed! I would like to know which indicator you have been using? And how did the idea come to your mind? I have been trying to become a consistently profitable trader for the last few years but every time I make a profit, I make several losses after that.

Hi @gaggleyio

He’s using the Ichimoku Cloud indicator. If you want to learn more about the indicator and how to use it, look at Hubert Senters videos about it. He uses it all the time in every market.

Hope that helps!

Good work guys.

And yes to confirm the above, its the Ichimoku Cloud indicator.

And finally, yes - this is still going, slowly but surely. Although trades have been very sporadic over the last few months.


what’s these trades bro?

Guys anyone knows any money making threads like Baller’s even from different fx websites?

@Constadino are you still trading @The_Baller’s strategy? Any success with it?

i trade parts of it…bits that fit my style…so far so good…might go live this year

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead to everyone.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too

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What’s up with your account @The_Baller

@Constadino how did you go? Trading it live and profitable?

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Maybe margin call, someone still continue trade this style?

he is using ichimoku cloud

Metatrader has a detailed statement function that produces a equity graph image.

If you could post the equity curve images for the trades posted by you in this thread, that would be nice.

Thank you.