The 3 Duck's Trading System

Hi Haradis100. To answer your eur.jpy question, no I would not take that trade. I do have a pending buy at 125.9. I need to see a push to / break above the recent high.

experienced duck hunters (not beginners):
just wondering what do you think of applying the ducks with the little consolidation situations that occur in 4h trends. here both 4h and 1h sma are nicely aligned, and price action is in a little horizontal range. i ask since these situations happen all the time, and moving average systems aren’t designed for trading ranges . once could avoid trading the little range, but these setups occur all the time. that’s one reason why i started modifying the ducks - moving averages aren’t used for trading ranges.
(a pic helps. sorry if i’m boring people, i hate doing that)

Hi harpoon - I avoid them. Wait for price to begin moving again… Or anticipate it :wink:

Try taking a peek in this thread 301 Moved Permanently

They advocate a momentum/trend based approach similar to the concept presented here which dovetails nicely, but without the constraints & shackles of moving averages & late 5 minute entries. Basically they take it a step further for those preferring more flexibility & control over when & how they set up, enter & manage positions.

The clever introduction of logic based price aids such as round numbers/figures, average daily & weekly ranges & significant session levels (daily/weekly/monthly etc highs & lows) are designed to assist with identifying, filtering, monitoring & managing high probability opportunities.

The entry triggers are constructed around breakout [B]and[/B] pullback opportunities in line with dominant trend & the type of example you’ve shown in your post is covered & explained within their material.

It might offer you another view or alternative to the one presented here without totally abandoning the principles of 3 Ducks.

System hopping is the one cause which makes a person stop trading.

Simplicity is ultimate sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci

You will not find simpler system than 3 ducks. If you cannot make it work, then you are lazy.

I think perhaps you need to re-read that post, paying particular attention to the last couple sentances, becasue either english isn’t your native tongue or the message has sailed straight over head like a kite in the wind.

I’m in no way suggesting anyone system hops as you put it, neither am i implying the alternative view is any more complicated than this offering, lol.


Yea, some guys making believe they have some secret knowledge and making fun on the forums. After you go the rabbit hole you will find subscription based trade room probably as this is the tradition. So called guerilla marketing which doesn’t look like marketing. People will not get caught on normal marketing nowadays.

Andy laid out his strategy for free and is doing it for more than 10 years.

Haridas100 - Check yourself, you are forcing an argument that simply doesn’t exist. The posts made recently we’re made to try to help you, and you respond like a defensive child? I understand why the other person is now. #lostintranslation.

Are you another one from the club with secret knowledge preying on innocent newbies reading popular thread? Go make your own thread. I don’t feel you want to help anyone. If you would you will write everything clear and simple for free as Andy did.

The 3 Ducks thread
has logged over

Congratulations, Captain Currency !


And in September, this thread will mark its 10-year anniversary on this forum !


For those in doubt, that were temporarily distracted by the almost useless “16 candles” thread, I suggest you [B]read post #18 of that very thread.[/B] It is definitely a tribute to the Ducks and an “eye opener” for those that have “lost” their way!

Why do you imagine it would be anything else?
The Template guys before them & the fella’s on that thread are probably responsible for tuning more folks into 3 Ducks than anyone else on the forum.

And for someone who describes that thread as almost useless you certainly know your way around it :wink:

Now, isn’t it about time you steered the thread back on topic? or would you like to get anything else of your chests before bedtime.
Deary me, such a fuss.

I had never heard of it until you brought it up and I just glanced at a couple of pages before I stumbled on that post. And yes, I do think that the thread in question is almost useless because it is just filled with so many distractions in the form of videos, cute images and a whole lot of click-bait.

So “forgive me”, for airing my opinion, just as you had the right to do it yourself!

It’s actually filled with a good degree of quality content, which you’d have discovered had you actually taken the time to investigate further. But instead like many others on here currently, you make such a huge fuss with an unnecessarily suspicious knee-jerk reaction to what was simply intended as a helpful nudge to someone asking a question not directly related to a typical 3 Ducks set up.

Now, how about letting someone decide for themselves whether they wish to pursue my recommendation? he’s not a child & I’m pretty sure he’s capable of digesting the content on 2 threads at the same time.

In fact I’m sure sooner or later I & the other fella’s on 16 candles will be directing others in this direction, just like we have since we registered on here. Unlike some, we have no problems whatsoever sharing links to other sensible, worthwhile content.

Others are obviously free to do as they wish, but as for myself - no thank you, I am not interested!

Congrats Captain… And. THANK YOU!!!

As someone who’s read Andy’s thread from start to finish and am about halfway through the 16 candles thread, I feel like I need to say something. The information discussed in the later pages (the first few pages are Bull****, plain and simple because they’re obviously people who have worked together) are entirely in alignment with what Andy provides here.

They discuss many many set ups according to the 3 Ducks, and on many occasions state that Andy’s thread is one of the few on here actually worth its salt. They also provide another discussion around entry points that align with the 3 Ducks. Hell I think once Andy chimes in you’ll find he’s probably had dealings with some of them!

what about other experienced duck users, what do you do when you get the little horizontal consolidations happening, nicely bounded by the 1h and 4h 60smas? as i said before, they happen often enough (little ranging price action), and moving averages aren’t for that.

You can trade it if you wish using any other technique (and there are many), but the fact remains that it is not part of the “3 Ducks” method.

Obviously, the “3 Ducks” can be used in combination with many other methods (that a trader may like to incorporate), but as far as the method’s rules go, as discussed here, it is not part of it.

Personally, I try not to mix multiple strategies/methods on the same chart, so as to keep it simple and not complicate things. The focus is key!

The thread purposefully resides in the lobby section of the website so it can include & incorporate an eclectic mix of content & bring a little humor, musak & chill factor to proceedings. It’s not lost on Dan or any of us that if it had been pitched it into one of the more popular sections of the site the view count would have more than trebled & quadrupled by now, but he had his reason/s for that, one of which very quickly played out.

At this end of the food chain, we’re big fans of clutter free workstations for obvious reasons. As with most things on retail forums, Andy’s format is a mish mash of solid, logical ideas & guidelines.

The adoption of the 60 simple moving average transported down onto hourly & in particular, sub-hourly charts hails from way back & gained traction in the public domain when introduced to his group by Jimmy Young (the professional trader not the british disc jockey), who eventually automated a 5 minute timeframe momentum triple band set up on specific currency pairs & punted it in conjunction with other technical price aids.

Andy clearly played around with that aspect, used the logic of a tiered top-down trending approach & married the 2 together in what now stacks up as the 3 Ducks. Which just goes to highlight that everything eventually recycles itself.

We’ve simply slightly expanded the concept, introduced a couple of additional confirmatory elements & offered alternative entry criteria. So when you disparage or disrespect that material you’re actually contradicting yourselves.

Anway, another very successful campaign for you ducklings this week again huh? :slight_smile:

Peace & love + kisses for the ladies.