The 3 Duck's Trading System

Let me help you…
as far I know, this system is seems working optimal at EUR / USD and GBP / USD…just change your pair to these pairs. And test this system again.

Like all systems this needs to be fully tested by yourself,
the rules from the 1st page are below.

Stop-Losses: This is where you can make this system your own. If you are a short term trader you may want to put your stop-loss above the highs on the 5 min or the 1 hr chart. If you are more of a positional trader you may wish to put your stop-loss above a high on the 4 hr chart. You could also use a fixed stop-loss, maybe 25-30 pips or more from entry. It all depends what type of a trader you are, so you decide! Another “trick” that may help you preserve capital, If you do sell and prices get back above the 5 min 60 sma by 10 pips (not a good sign) you may want to cut your losses short before your stop-loss. But if you are a longer term trader this may not be a big deal for you.

so really it needs to be tested from each point of view.

And this is the new test of The 3 Duck’s Trading System with SL 30 pips and TP 46 pips…it gives me profit. Still one test of this new rule of risk reward.
I will always try to update the result to you.

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My first re-test of this system with SL 30 pts and TP 46 pts, plus Trailing Stop begin at 30 pips gains.

My last update of 3 Duck’s Trading System with SL 30, TP 46 pts.
This is the 2nd trade.

Step 1 :

Step 2 :

Step 3 :

I will continue to run this test until get the best result.

I have an important question…is this system really your original creation?
Because I have read Forex Virtuoso (by Paul Evans) that very similar with this system. The different is just he use 50 SMA not 60 SMA.
The link for you that want to download Forex Virtuoso system is :

Please confirm my question, is Paul that copy / modify your system or you that copy / modify Paul’s system?
But before of that, I can say that this system is work. Truely.

Answered in the very first post :stuck_out_tongue:

So how’s it going with this system mbah saru? I just started looking at it just now…

Edit. Well, of course only Captain Currency knows where he modify it from whether from Paul or not.

ehhee…thank you…so that is the answer…

Hi guys, I’m new to Forex and have been told about the 3 Ducks trading system. I’ve read the ebook by Captain Currency and got myself Metatrader4 and currently testing the system for day trading purposes. I have a couple of questions:

  1. How do you guys ensure you don’t miss the entry signal on the 5M chart? I have a problem where I see the setup on the 4hr and 1hr charts and wait for the 5M but it ain’t coming, so I go watch the telly for a while, come back half an hour later and I miss the trade. Do you guys have to sit there waiting for it?

  2. I’m from Australia and want to open an account. If there’s any Aussie FX traders, please tell me which brokers you guys use to trade?

  3. Metatrader4 currently rejects my stoploss if its less than 60 pips. Why? Can this be changed and how? Can I use Metatrader4 to trade with real money with a broker - how can I set it up?

Many thanks

Well here’s a dozen and thats just from Perth! Perhaps they can help.

Treat this as a business or as a hobby it will become very expensive. d.

I agree. Treat it as a business. But what do you mean by “it will become very expensive”?

I’ve been testing the 3-Duck System on MT4 for the past fortnight and after hours of watching the screen every night, I’m having no luck. I understand how to trade the system but may not understand how to trade it, in practice. For example, EURUSD is currently trading below 60 SMA on both 4hr and 1hr charts and I’ve been waiting for hours for a crossover of the 5min chart 60SMA but has not happened. Waited another 4 hours today and still nothing. Is this what you guys do or am I doing something all wrong??

Also, which brokers can I use to trade with the MT4 platform?
many thanks

Nice drop into the abyss! :smiley:

The 3 Ducks are cleaning up this am on Gbp.Jpy

Hi Captain Currency

Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

After reading this post, I decide to test this strategy on my demo account. So far, I make 6 trades, 4 lost and 2 won.

I use 15 pips stop loss and 30 pips take profit. That is 1:2 risk reward ratio, and for the moment, I am on break even.

In attempt to exclude emotions from my trades, I place bracket order, and usually I will left the trade alone. I will stop the trade manually, only if cross the 60 SMA as described in your strategy.

I would like to ask you this: is it possible to have over 50% win ratio using 1:2 risk reward? Do you manage to get over 50% winning trades using 1:2 risk reward ratio? Or you go for 1:1

Just trying to use your experience to save some time with testing.

Once again, thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Regards, Zoreli

Hi Zoreli,

To have a win rate of 50% with 1.2 risk versus reward (risking 30 pips to make 60 pips or risking 50 pips to make 100 pips) would be very very high.

It could certainelly be done over a short amount of trades but over a longer amount of trades it would be very hard to have a win rate of 50% while risking 30 pips to make 60 pips 1.2 risk v reward.

Its hard for me to say if you would be successful aiming for 1.1 risk v reward trading this strategy as I dont know how you are trading this strategy, don’t forget the 3 Ducks sytems is more a set of guidelines to help you in your trading rather than a hard set of rules or an automatic system. Also what I would say is The 3 Duck’s can produce some great RvR trades but if your chasing bigger rewards (1.3 RvR etc) you can naturally expect your winning percentage of trades to drop.

Having said all that … I do know some traders who aim for 1.1 using the 3ducks and they are successful.

Hope that helped you a bit.



I use 15 pips stop loss and 30 pips take profit actually.

I understand that is very difficult to attempt to earn 60 pips in one trade, and to expect to have over 50% win ratio.

However, using 30 pips take profit it should be possible i guess…I will give it a try, and if I am unhappy with the results, I will change my risk reward ratio to 1:1.5

Anyway, I will continue to trade this strategy on my demo account, and I will post my results here. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


Hello again Zoreli,

I think your missing my point. Im not saying its hard to make 60 pips on a trade. What I am saying is its hard (very hard) to be correct 50% of the time risking 30 pips to make 60 pips or equally risking 15 pips to make 30 pips.

Yes I understand from your first post that you are risking 15 pips to make 30 pips.


Hi Captain Currency, good to see you back at BP again. :slight_smile: