The team thanks these 10 amazing forum members!

it’s ok, in the mean time Bob has a new career after visiting the UK (need volume for this one :joy:)

funny that I would just pop in right here :slight_smile:

Of course I am buying MXN! I sold most of it back already for a profit, but be assured the cheaper MXN gets the more ill buy. What I am really buying here is WTI / USO (CLZ8). its a steal under 60.

It may spike down to the parent @ 55.42 but that’s unlikely. Even 59.09 will be hard and fast if we get there. So have your pending buy limits ready. :smiley: and hold long time, til; christmas!

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90% of traders in the market are retail traders and they only account for about 10% of the volume in the market :smiley:


SERIOSULY something should be really obvious at this point, we are looking at oil prices very much likely way higher in december as the supply tightens, meaning unless demand goes way down, prices are going way up.

It’s a tough one to guage.

First up is that no one has told Donald Trump, so not sure how he will react on noises about production cutting in order to raise oil prices.

Second up are the Shale guys - price hovering around where it gets profitable for them.

And the big third - try getting guys to cut sales just as price is falling, you have to be rich (like the Saudis) to even contemplate, has been a breaker in the past.

Suppose we’ll know when the Northern Hemisphere winter cold hits (or will it given all the warming going on).

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no Trump likely didnt get the news yet as it was updated 4 hours ago. whatever you do, dont sell OIL down here :smiley:

Aye, Gbp is much easier, more selling Monday it seems -ah well, time for a song.

C’est cera cera, whatever will be will be - the Pres is likely snoozing on AF1, they’ll tell him in the morning, he’ll likely say those Saudi guys have enough money anyhow, time for the frackers to make a little.

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They told the President, nice and quietly, and he reacted nice and quietly (as did oil price). Couldn’t agree more with the President’s sentiments.

I see they sold Gbp on Monday, now maybe they are lining up for buys.

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he is never too late to the party and had to throw in his 3 cents, driving price lower again, but no worries, I am accumulating slowly and can hold until next year if need be, even with a little -swap.

I just had to turn the heat up here too. :expressionless:

No sooner said than done :slight_smile:

Meanwhile 135 pips later;


So what did I see at the arrow - inside candle, shooting star, or maybe some special indicator.
Just good old fashioned FA.

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Accumulating long, I already closed a bunch and reloaded a few times :smiley:

55.00 was it? sweet!

I’m enormously late to this (took Christmas off - woo hoo!) but back in the saddle this week, and just wanted to post to say what a lovely idea this thread is, and to echo that I have enjoyed and learned from many, many posts authored by those named in the top #10. A good bunch of people, collectively possessed of a great deal of knowledge and insight, as well as a deft touch when posting. This forum is getting better at this stuff, recently, and imho is all the better for it.

Great list. And a Happy New Year to all!


Peterma… definitely should be #2 on this list.

11 amazing forum members!

Thank you all.

Wow. And these are just the top ones. Well done y’all. You guys are making a difference. :slight_smile:
And thank you to the other unsung heroes who just missed the mark. Keep it up!

This is a trip through my europe and how it’s made currency pairs and the eu but i would like to put some flesh on those dreary bones and also talk about europe or a region. As an expert i have a country of birth at a country of residence but as a nationality i only feel i am european. Having said that the more i read about europe the more i realise how little i really know about it as region.

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Nice! Good to appreciate the members man in the forum thrive. I am a newbie, is there no way we can following of these members? I haven’t browsed the forum yet though, just finished my school of Pipsology and must commend greatly the content generator…