The China Myth, Exposed -- Two articles by Jim Rickards

It would be far better for the Chinese people as well as the west if the CCP could be deposed for once and for all. Hard to see the circumstances for that arising in China while its economy is so bullish but in the end dictatorships eat themselves. Trouble is this might be 50 years away.

Aye this is my hope and just maybe the new-found wealth could actually help - 20 years ago few Chinese citizens knew much about the outside world.

Western Media is totally biased, please read other source like RT to balance your source

Thanks for sharing! Where I can find the original link? I want to use it for my essay

I agree that western media has its own agenda, but RT is a purely government propaganda stream. You are deluded if you think that by swallowing two streams of absolute BS from different sources you end up with a clear nutritious diet of information.

Hi Tommor,
I divide my “news watching time” between BBC International news, Fox or Sky (just for laughs), RT and Al Jazera. So I must be double deluded. Now that we can’t really tell the difference between real news and fake news it’s a bit like being successful in Forex trading. You need to respond to the inputs from these news channels like responding to price action. Anyone who thinks they know what is going to happen in the market in the next second, minute, hour, day, week, month is kidding themselves. So I do try to think along the lines of “what happens if it is true? Will it impact my life? Can I do anything to mitigate the impact on my family’s life if it does happen? And if it does not, would I regret my mitigating actions?” I have lived and worked in five countries, three of which were run by dictators and two of which were under martial law or severe sanctions at least some of the time I was there. I have known, and do still know of some families that have suffered catastrophic losses, because they did not take any mitigating actions against the most awful potential outcomes. Over the years, I look at actions like insurance policies. You pay your premiums hoping that the events are never going to happen, but when they do (and they do when you have lived long enough) you are glad you paid the premiums. Our insurance for 30 years has been gold - very little each month or year, but very glad we had that response to news.

I’m happy to admit to a very low intake of news. Simply because most of it has no impact on my life. I absorb headlines from the BBC TV or web or radio news or Sky TV news and sometimes suck up reported data and events those stories contain - much of the daily news agenda is regurgitation of the latest government statistics, social surveys, scientific research, press releases etc. I spend more time on Wikipedia than on BBC News. As an antidote to BBC left-wing bias I make daily visits to Guido Fawkes.

But I never seek out the daily news on any day by sitting down to watch it / read it. Its rarely a bad policy. Saved a lot of time that way.

They did it again last week - both vetoed the US resolution on renewing the UN arms embargo to Iran,

Scene now set for new sales post October.